Die Holding Your Hand

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I wake up next to Michael, naked, shaking and sweating. Michael is also naked and sweating but he isn't shaking.

"Applehead.", I whisper.

He opens his eyes.

"Good morning.", he says.

"Good morning.", I say. "I'll take a shower."

"I'm coming with you.", he says smirking.

We take a shower together. Surprisingly we don't have sex because we're already so exhausted from yesterday. We're now done.

"We're going to your parents'. I promise they'll get convinced.", he says.

"Thank you!", I say and hug him.

"No problem.", he says and hugs me back.

I wear a white sports bra, green sweatpants and white sneakers. Michael gets dressed in a blue hoodie, black pants and white sneakers. I apply some light makeup and spray some perfume. Michael also sprays perfume. I put a white cap. Me and Michael stand together in front of the full body mirror.

"I'm sorry I hurt you yesterday.", he says.

"It's okay. Don't do this again.", I say and giggle.

"I guess I was just too excited.", he says.

I kiss his cheek and he hugs me. I hug him back. We make our way to the car. Michael drives us to my parents' home. We already told them that we need to talk. I ring the door bell 100 times like I do always while Michael looks at me laughing. My mother opens the door.

"You got this habit form your dad.", she says and giggles.

Me and Michael laugh. She hugs Michael and kisses his head. Then she hugs me and kisses my head. We get in and greet my father. We sit together at the table.

"Now, you worried me. What's going on?", my mother says.

"I know that you want Joyce to have a bright future and to be the best that she could be.", Michael starts.

"This gives me a strange feeling.", my father says and we giggle.

"Well, I'll be straight forward. She doesn't wanna study English language and literature.", he says.

"Joyce! We talked about this a lot.", my mother says.

"I don't want to study this. I wanna study music.", I say.

"Michael, may I ask you about what you'll be studying?", she asks.

"Uhm, business.", he says.

"At least he'll be having a proper job.", she says.

"Mama, I'll study business to rule my father's company. That's it. I also like rapping and I think she'll be having a good future.", he says.

"Now, Joyce, why don't you also study business to rule your father's companies?", my father asks.

He's also a businessman.

"Dad, I don't want to.", I say.

"Michael, do you think it's a good job for her?", my mother asks.

"Yes, Mary. Even if she couldn't perform, she can release YouTube videos.", he says.

"It is that what you wanna do Joyce? Be a rapper and have tattoos and be a drug addict?", she asks.

"Mom, I already have tattoos.", I say and me and Michael giggle.

"Well, see that with your father.", she says.

"Look, you can study whatever you wanna study but just one month after you graduate, if you're not successful, I'll let you study English language and literature. Even if you're already 22.", he says.

"Okay, Dad.", I say.

We all stare at each other and there's some awkward silence.

"I support you.", Michael breaks the silence.

"Well, I also support you though I don't really like the idea.", my father says.

That's what good in being a Daddy's girl :)

"I also support you.", my mother says.

"Thank you so much.", I say.

We all stand up and give each other a big hug.

"Well, I made your favorite, Joyce. Quesadillas.", my mother says.

"Yay! Thank you, Mom.", I say.

I make the table and my mom puts the food. We have lunch together. Then my father and Michael watch the football game together. It's now 7 pm. We hug my parents goodbye and get out. I let out a sigh in relief.

"Thank you so much, Michael.", I say.

He kisses me sweetly.

"I love you.", he says.

"I love you more.", I say.

My father suddenly opens the door.

"I saw you, lovebirds.", he says and closes the door again.

Me and Michael giggle and run to the car. He drives us back home. We go upstairs to the bedroom. We change back to our sleepwear. Well, of course Michael only wears sweatpants. We sit on the bed and open the TV.

"Let's watch Titanic.", I say.

"Okay.", he says.

We put Titanic on the TV. We keep cuddling together. Just as Leonardo DiCaprio shows on screen...

"He's a hot dude.", I mumble.

"Pardon?", Michael asks.

"Nothing.", I say.

"I heard it.", he says and throws a pillow at me.

"Come on! He is!", I say. "I didn't say he's hotter than you."

I get on top of him and kiss all over his face.

"Okay.", he says softly.

We continue the 3-hour-movie. I keep crying in Michael's chest at the end. This movie was... sad. He kisses my head and also cries.

"'The Notebook' tomorrow?", Michael asks.

"Okay.", I say. "You know it's the fourth time to watch this movie and cry for me?"

"Oh my gosh!", he says and laughs but still sniffling.

I keep crying in Michael's chest.

"Come on the movie finished five minutes ago.", he says.

"Man, Jack died holding Rose's hand!", I say.

"That's how I'll die.", he says.

"Don't say that.", I say and cry even harder.

"I wanna die holding your hand.", he says.

I keep crying harder while he's caressing me. I get on top of him and kiss him deeply and passionately.

"I love you.", I say.

"I love you more.", he says.

I lay next to him. I rest my hand on his chest and my head on his shoulder. We keep rubbing on each other and kissing and hugging. Basically cuddling. Michael keeps playing with my hair which makes me fall asleep in his arms.

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