Best Friends Or Lovers?

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"You're planning to?", I ask worried.

"To propose to you after we graduate.", he says nervously.

"Oh my god, Michael!", I say and hug him tightly.

He hugs me back and kisses me deeply. He slides his tongue into my mouth and I let out tongues play together.

"Is this an okay?", he asks.

"Yes.", I say and smile. "I love you."

"I love you more.", he says.

We keep hugging forever.

"I'll take you by surprise though.", he whispers and giggles.

I kiss his cheek still not breaking the hug. His hands travel from my back to my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders again. We continue swaying but this time we're so close to each other. I'm looking up to him and he's looking down to me with our noses touching. What did he mean by 'I'll take you by surprise though'? He already said that he'll propose to me. Well, if he does I'll say yes for sure. I forgive him for the pregnancy thing. He was still 16 and I was 14. But now that I know that he's not so immature anymore and he loves me and I also love him then I agree.

"Hellooo! Heaven to Joyce.", I hear Michael say.

"Huh?", I ask shocked.

"Are you alright, honey?", he asks.

"Yes.", I say.

I rest my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around my hips.

"I wanna tell you something.", he says.

"Yes?", I ask.

"Do you know that Mr Phillips my professor is gay?", he asks.

I look up to him confused.

"And he was flirting with me.", he says.

I laugh.

"What's so funny?", he asks shyly.

"I don't know but it's funny.", I say.

"If you were me you wouldn't be laughing like that. I was so shy and embarrassed.", he says and giggles.

"At least you're not gay.", I say and giggle.

He blushes and I trace my hands from his shoulders to the back of his head playing with his hair. He kisses me and I kiss him back.

"Can I pick you up tomorrow?", I ask.

"You're jealous?", he asks and giggles.

I shrug and blush.

"Well, okay.", he says.

We go to the table and eat some macaroons. We keep chatting about college and making fun of professors and students. I kind of like that he's not only my boyfriend but he's also my best friend. So I feel free to tell him anything. He also tells me everything.

"Michael.", I call.

"Yes.", he says.

"Can we meet some friends from school?", I ask.

"Yes, I missed Tyler so much.", he says.

"I also really missed Sophie.", I say.

"We can hang out on Friday.", he says.

"Cool, I'll talk to Sophie and you talk to Tyler.", I say.

Well, it wouldn't be rude for us to invite them with us. They always came when I had a broken arm and leg. Since they met often they started dating so it could be something like a double date. Sophie is studying biology and Tyler is studying English language and literature. I see Michael getting his phone out of his pocket and texting Tyler. I also get my phone and text Sophie. She doesn't reply yet. We dance for a little bit till we feel exhausted and go back to our bedroom. Me and Michael wear our matching black pajamas and cuddle till we fall asleep.

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