Just Good Friends

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"Joyce, wake up, Beautiful.", Michael says and kisses my forehead.

"Yeah.", I say and get up.

"It's 12 pm.", he says.

"Oh.", I say. "I guess I gotta go home."

"I wanna talk to you about something.", he says.

"What?", I ask.

"You know why I said that things went too fast?", he asks.

"No. I really don't wanna talk about that NOW. I'm completely hurt and I forgive you. It's okay.", I say.

"Okay.", I says and hugs me tightly.

"Well, I'mma change my clothes.", I say.

I get some clothes out of my bag and go to the bathroom. I do morning hygiene and wear a dark blue hoodie, black leggings and red Converse shoes. I spray some perfume.

"Joyce!", Michael yells from the guests room.

I go there.

"Yeah.", I say.

"Can I put the ointment I put yesterday on your scars so it will heal fast?", he asks.

"Yes, of course.", I say.

I push my sleeves up and expose the scars on my arms. He puts the ointment on my scars. I moan in pain. He kisses my hand. I push my sleeves back down. He pushes the hoodie up till he can see the scar in my hip. He puts the ointment on it. I try not to make a drama but it hurts so bad. I gasp. He puts the ointment tube away and washes his hand.

"You're so strong, Joyce. You're manlier than my father himself.", he says.

"Thanks.", I say and giggle. "I feel so weak."

"You're not weak, Joyce. I really meant it when I said you're the strongest woman I've ever known.", he says and caresses my cheek.

"If only I was strong enough to push him away..", I say and sob.

"You did push him away. If you didn't, he would... rape you already.", he says and rubs my shoulder.

"Thanks for saving me.", I say and hug him.

"No need.", he says and kisses my forehead.

"Well, I guess I'll go now. I'mma call Christopher to pick me up.", I say.

"No, I'm driving you home.", he says. "You didn't see my new car?"

"No.", I say.

"Come.", he says.

He carries my bags and we exit his house.

"Here it is.", he says and points at a white Alfa Romeo.

"It's great.", I say.

He puts my bags in the trunk and opens the passenger seat door for me. I sit there.

"So, are you with anybody?", Michael asks.

"Umm, no. Are you?", I ask.

"No.", he answers.

I take one of his hands from the steering wheel and put it on my leg feeling protected. He looks at me and winks. We arrive at my home.

"Can you come with me?", I ask.

"But uhh-", he says.

"My mother will be so happy to see you. And I.. I need you by my side.", I say.

"Okay.", he says.

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