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"Joyce!! Sleepyhead!! Pineapple!!", I hear Michael yelling and shaking me to wake up.

"Uhh.. good morning, baby.", I say.

"Good morning. You're a heavy sleeper.", he says laughing.

"Are we late?", I ask.

"No.", he says.

"Do you have clothes?", I ask.

"Yeah. I woke up extra early to get the things I'll need from my place.", he says.

"You really didn't have to do that. You could've called Christopher from my phone. You know the password and-", I say.

"It's okay, Joyce. Don't freak out.", he says cutting me off.

"Well, let's get dressed.", I say and get up.

I head towards the bathroom and do morning hygiene. I guess Michael already did that since he woke up earlier. I go to my walk-in-closet and decide I'll wear a white tank top, light wide jeans, a big black belt, black sneakers and I tie a green light sweater on my waist. I apply some light makeup and spray some perfume. Michael wears a gray hoodie, black pants, white sneakers and a dark brown beanie. He also sprays some perfume. We walk downstairs. My mother is waiting for us with breakfast.

"Good morning.", we say.

"Good morning, Michael.", my mother says hugging Michael and kissing his forehead.

"Good morning, sweetheart.", my mother says and hugs me also kissing my forehead.

"Breakfast's ready!", she says and hands is out trays with breakfasts.

She made us scrambled eggs and coffee. We start to eat and drink.

"Mary, can I talk to you about something?", Michael asks breaking the silence.

"Yes, baby boy.", she says caressing his hand.

"You know things between me and Joyce?", he asks shyly.

"Yeah.", she answers waiting for him to continue talking.

"We're now so close and I would like her to move in with me.", he says. "Can she, please?"

"Of course. If she wants to. I'm not ruining her life. And you're so kind, Michael. I feel like you're my son already.", she says and rubs his hand softly.

"Thanks, Mary. I also feel like you're my second mother.", he says and kisses her forehead.

"I guess we gotta go.", I say as I look at my watch.

"Okay. Goodbye.", my mother says.

"Goodbye, Mama.", Michael says and hugs her. He kisses her head. She stands up and hugs him even tighter. She looks happy. I'm trying to hold my laugh because she's soo short compared to him. It looks really funny.

I'm glad he's getting along with her. He treats her like she's his mother and she treats him like he's her son.

"Goodbye, Mom.", I say and walk away with Michael.

We get in my car where's Christopher already waiting for us. We go in and he drives off.

"Good morning, Mr Jackson and Ms Garcia.", he says.

"Good morning.", we say.

"Christopher, from tomorrow on you'll be picking us up from Mr Jackson's place. I guess you remember where it is. Don't you?", I say.

"Yes, Ms Garcia.", he says.

Michael looks at me and holds my hand interlocking out fingers.

"Thanks. You can call me Joyce.", I always say that.

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