Who's Bad?

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I wake up and see Michael sleeping next to me. I look at the clock and see it's already 2 pm. I get on top of Michael. He's laying on his stomach. I see his back is all red.

"Michael.", I call.

"Mmm.", he moans.

"What's going on with your back?", I ask.

"My back?!", he asks shocked and gets up.

He looks in the mirror and his back is all red.

"You got a sunburn.", I say.

"Oh my god!", he frowns.

"Don't worry. I have a lotion that'll help you.", I say.

He tries to touch it but he gasps in pain. I lead him to lay on the bed. He lays on the bed on his stomach. I get some of the lotion and rub it on my hands. I start massaging his back with the lotion while he moans painful moans. I keep kissing his head. I continue putting the lotion all over his back. Now I'm done.

"Don't worry. It'll cool down.", I say.

"Thank you.", he says.

I kiss him and he kisses me back.

"Thankfully, you don't have a fever.", I say.

He hugs me and I hug him back trying not to touch his back but accidentally I touch his bum. He looks at me and smirks. I blush.

"I'll get something. Wait here.", he says.

He wears a jacket over his pajama pants and goes down. I look at him through the window. He disappears. I make myself a coffee and a coffee for Michael to drink when he comes back. He knocks on the door. I open the door and let him in. I see two bags in his hand.

"What did you buy?", I ask.

"You'll see.", he says and smirks.

"I made you a coffee here.", I say.

"Thanks, sweetheart.", he says and we share a quick kiss.

He goes to get the coffee. Of course because I'm very curious, I get the bags and open them. Oh my god! What do I see here?! Super sexy costumes for girls, a love egg, a vibrator and handcuffs.

"Mike!", I yell.

"Yes.", he says and comes back.

"I'll kick your mf ass.", I say.

"Pardon?", he asks.

"I said I will kick your motherfucking ass.", I say clearly.

"Why?", he asks.

"Because you didn't take me with you to the sex shop.", I say.

He laughs.

"I don't think I can get out today because of my sunburns so I decided to have fun here.", he says and smirks.

"Mmmh.", I hum and smirk.

I take a police costume and go to the bathroom. I put it on.

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