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We arrive at Michael's place. We enter the house. I already feel home just like he feels home when he's at mine. I take my shoes off and my jacket off.

"Did I tell you that I bought the house? I'm not renting it anymore.", Michael asks.

"Oh my god. I'm so happy for you, Mike!", I say and hug him.

He hugs me back and pecks my lips.

"Damn, I didn't get any clothes.", I say.

"I'll get you a t-shirt.", he says.

"K. Thanks.", I say.

"Come up to my room.", he says.

We go upstairs to his room. We walk in his closet. He looks in his wardrobes. He throws me a red t-shirt.

"Girl, is that okay?", he asks.

"Yep. Thanks.", I say.

He unbuttons his red shirt and puts it on the laundry basket. I also take my white pullover off. I'm wearing a green push-up bra.

"You can go to the bathroom.", he says.

"It's okay. You're my best friend.", I say.

"I was just gonna say that but I thought you'll think I'm weird.", he says and giggles.

"I also thought you'll think I'm weird but I said that.", I say.

I take my jeans off and he takes his black pants off. I'm now in only in my green push-up bra and green tanga. He's in his dark blue Calvin Klein boxers. I wear his read t-shirt and he wears white sweatpants. I keep remembering him. He used to always hate wearing t-shirts at home.

"Where you wanna sit, girl?", he asks.

"I don't know.", I say.

"Let's watch a movie.", he says.

"Yeah, good idea.", I say.

"Let's watch it in the bedroom. So we can fall asleep right away.", he says.

I nod. We go to the bedroom and lay next to each other on the bed.

"Girl, can you please get snacks from downstairs?", he asks politely.

"Yeah, what should I get?", I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe M&M's, Doritos, chips, sodas.", he says.

"Okay.", I say.

"Wait, I'm coming with you.", he says.

We go downstairs and get so many snacks. We walk upstairs to the bedroom. We put the snacks on the bed. Then we lay next to each other. Michael wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him.

"What you wanna watch?", he asks.

"I don't know. Something that's not scary.", I say and giggle.

"We'll watch Annabelle then.", he jokes and teases me. "Nah, I'm joking. Wanna watch something 'grown up'?", he asks and smirks.

"What?", I ask and smirk.

"Bad Moms?", he asks.

"Okay. I actually wanted to watch it. But my parents will kill me if they know I watch it.", I say and giggle.

"Well, let's watch it.", he says.

We watch the movie and eat the snacks. We're now done with the movie.

"Applehead, I'm so sleepy.", I say and moan.

"I'm also kinda sleepy. Good night, Pineapple.", he says.

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