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The alarm rings. Michael didn't wake up though. I go to the bottom of the bed and start tickling his feet. He starts laughing so loudly.

"Ahhhh! Stop! Joyce! Hahahahaha!", he screams.

I stop and get on top of him.

"Good morning, Precious.", he says and kisses my forehead.

"Good morning, Mikey.", I say and hug him.

I get up and we do morning hygiene. I go to a bathroom and Michael goes to the other one and we shower. We brush our hair and go in the closet still in our robes. I get my dress, my panties and my nipple pasties and go to the bathroom. I wear them and get out finding Michael in only his black buckled pants and boots.

"You're not ready yet?!", I ask. 

"I was searching for the shirt.", he says.

"Did you find it?", I ask.

"Yeah.", he says.

He puts the shirt on and buttons it. He tucks it in and looks in the full body mirror. He gets his tie.

"Let me tie it for you.", I say smiling.

He gives me the tie. I stand in front of him and peck his lips. I tie the tie around his neck. He wears the blazer and I wear my heels and and put the necklace which Michael gifted me. We stand together in front of the full body mirror and look at ourselves.

"You look beautiful.", he says and wraps an arm around my waist.

"You look so handsome as well.", I say. "Can I untie the bandages just for today?"

"Okay.", he says.

He helps me untie the bandages around my leg and my arm.

"Now I look better.", I say and inhale.

"You always look wonderful.", he says.

I hug him and he hugs me back tightly. I go to the dressing table. I apply some moisturizer, primer, foundation, concealer, bronzer, blush, highliter, pink eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black mascara, solid pink lip liner, rosewood lipstick, glittery lipgloss, setting powder and setting spray. I spray some Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium perfume and walk back to Michael. He looks me up and down.

"You look sexy.", he says.

I blush.

"You too.", I say quietly.

"Well, let's get going.", he says.

We grab our phones. He holds my waist and we go out. He opens the car door for me and I get in. He gets in the other side and drives off.

"Stop acting like a gentleman.", I say and nudge him playfully.

"I am a gentleman.", he says and smirks.

I shrug and smirk. We arrive at school. He opens the door for me and I get out. He holds my waist again and we make our way to the hall. We graduate and throw our hats. Suddenly Mr Martin goes to the mic.

"Well, I'm Mr Martin, the hip-hop teacher. We had a camp for each one to prove that they can be a hip-hop teacher. Joyce Garcia and Michael Jackson had to leave for some reason. I would like to say that Joyce Garcia and Michael Jackson are the next hip-hop teachers. They proved to me that being a hip-hop teacher is not only about rapping and dancing. It's about responsibility and inner strength. I would like Joyce Garcia and Michael Jackson to get up here please.", Mr Martin says in the mic.

Me and Michael go up to Mr Martin. He gives us the badges. We're so happy. I can see my parents and Michael's parents clapping and smiling. Janet is also here and Jack is here. It's all done now. We run down to our families who are sitting next to each other. I run to Jack and hug him.

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