2 years

72 1 0

Still Namjoon POV

Continued flashback

I open my main door because someone keep knocked it .

"Yah boys ! I know ! Give me a second !" It's a boys I guess . They will forced me to go to park . Their attitude never changed !

I open the door .

"Yah stop kn-" I stop when I saw Y/N .

"Y/N . Hey . Yah why you're crying ?!" I worried but she suddenly hugged me .

"N-Namjoon ." She hug me . Make me shocked ! This is first time !

I close the main door behind me and pull her to Jhope's house . I know the boys at Jhope's house . Jhope is orphan . So we always stay his house if we bored or have problems . We have a key too . The door always open for us .

I pull Y/N to his house . I open the door and saw the boys but I ignored them . I push Y/N softly to sit and give her a drink .

"Y/N . Hey . Why ? Tell me ." I bend down and stare at her since she keep looking down .

"Y/N . Answer me . I'm your best friend ." I forced .

"Hey . Joon , Y/N . What's wrong ?" Suddenly the boys come closer to us .

"I don't know . Someone knocked my main door many times and I thought it was you guys to forcing me go to park but when I open I saw Y/N crying and she hug me . I pulled her here before my parents misunderstood saw her hugging me ." I explained .

"Can . Can I talked with Namjoon alone ?" Finally she speak !

"Yea of course ." Jungkook said and they all run to upstairs .

"Why ?" I asked her softly .

"My parents . T-They hate you ." Y/N said make me shocked .

"Me ? Why ?" I ask .

"They judging you . They said you the bad guys that will use me ." She explained and her tears drop again .

"Hey . I'm not like that . Don't cry ." I wiped her tears . She hug me suddenly .

"I love you ! I don't wanna lose you ." She said and still hug me . I shocked . She love me ? Impossible . I'm nerd ! Who like me ? I shocked and I didn't hug back .

"I-I'm sorry . I know what I said maybe make you uncomfortable but please don't ha-" she didn't finish her sentence , I already cut off .

"I love you too ." I replied make her shocked .

"W-What ?" She ask .

"I said I love you too . Now stop crying . You will not lose me ." I smiled .

"Promise ?" She ask .

"Promise ." I answer make her smile .

"Thanks b-babe ." She hug me tightly .

"Anything for my . B-baby ." I hug her back .

"Now . Don't cry . What you want ? Ice cream ? Watch movies ? Tell me . I will do ." I hold her hand . I feel bad to her .

"Can we take some walked . Just we both ." She said and I nod .

"Sure why not ?" I said and pull her hand leave the house .

We take some walked

Skip ~

It's already 2 years . We 16 . I still with the one that I love . But why she don't want to tell anyone that we in relationship ? I never tell anyone . I just tell I have girlfriends but I never tell anyone who is my girlfriend actually .

We walked to the park . Just both of us .

"Yah Joonie . Promised me ? You will love me until my last breath ?" She ask make me shocked .

"I will love you . Until your last breath . Promise ." I said with a smiled .

"We gonna go to the same college and you just will be mine . Forever ." I said again .

"Yea ." She nods .

"Why you didn't want to tell anyone about us ?" I asked .

"Because -" she didn't finish yet ! Suddenly someone shout.

"Y/N !" It's Mr.Park . Her stepdad .

"Y/N ! What I said ?! Don't closer to this guy !" Her dad pulled her and leave me . This is not first time actually .

I looked at her and she looked at me . She do a sign she will call me and I nod . I sigh and go back to Jhope's house .

"Hey Joon where you go ?" They stare at me . I ignored and sit with them at couch .

"Yah don't ignore us ." Suga said . They didn't know I'm in relationship with Y/N .

"Yah ! Why her parents so cruel ?! I'm with her for 2 years already and her dad still doing a same thing ! We just walked and he will shout ! Yah ! One day I will proof that I will married her ." I mad . I didn't realize that I said in front of them .

"Her ? Who ?!" Jhope ask make me shocked .

"Aish ! Shit ! Why I said in front of you guys ?!" I mad .

"Yah tell us . Who ? You never tell us who your girlfriend ." Jungkook forced .

"Y/N ." I said and sigh .

"Y/N ?!" They shocked and I nod .

"So the girlfriend that you always mean is
Y/N ?!" Jhope shocked .

I nod .

"Aish this boy . Since when ?" Suga ask .

"14 ." I said make them more shocked .

"You have a relationship with her 2 years ago and you never tell us ?! Yah ! We are your best friend !" Suga mad .

"She don't want anyone know ." I sigh again .

"Just act like you don't know anything . She will mad ." I said and they nod .

"What you talking about just now ?" Tae ask suddenly .

"Yah when you're here ?" I shocked .

"I hear what you said . You in Relationship with Y/N . Okay but what you mad about ?" Tae ask again .

"It's already 2 years ! 2 years since her parents hate me . I just want to walked with her . Almost every week her dad will found us and pull her back home . I never have a chance to date !" I mad .

"Why her parents hate you ?" Jhope ask .

"They judging me . They said I'm a bad guy that just using her ." I look down .

"Jimin also ?" Jungkook ask .

"No . He okay with me . He also didn't know we in relationship I guess ." I said again .

"Yah . I feel bad for her ." Suga said and the others agreed .

End Flashback

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