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Still Namjoon POV

It's already 1 weeks since she ignored me ! She still ignored me ! I didn't sleep with her . I didn't cuddle with her . I miss her . I just stare at wall when the other busy watching TV . Suddenly someone throw the bottle to me .

"Joon . You okay ?" It's Suga .

"Y-Yea I guess ." I smile and looking at wall back .

"Namjoon ! Someone post it for you !" Suddenly Kayla come from main door . She gives a piece of paper . I take it .

"Thanks ." I said and open it . I read make me shocked .

"N-No . She really did it ." My tears drop again .

"Yah why ?" Jimin worried . The paper felt from my hand . Jin take it and they all read .

"Yea right . She really mean it . She really go to court and ask for divorced . So the court send me this . Yea . So good ." My tears drop again .

"D-Divorced ." They shocked .

I take a paper from them and go upstairs . I run to my room and open the door hardly .

"Kim Y/N ! What is this ?!" I shout and throw the paper .

"You didn't want sign the divorced paper . So why not I go to court ?" She said and still looking her phone .

"Yah ! What's wrong with you ?!" I shout again .

End Namjoon POV

Jung kook POV

We follow him without he noticed then we hear they fighting .

"You didn't want sign the divorced paper . So why not I go to court ?" She said .

"Yah ! What's wrong with you ?!" Namjoon shout .

"What's wrong with me ?! You ask the wrong person , Kim Namjoon ! Ask yourself what's wrong with you !" She shout and we saw she push Namjoon hardly .

"Y/N ! I'm your husband ! I love you ! Why you do this to me ?!" Namjoon crying .

"Because I hate you ." She answer .

"Just because I slap you , you hate me ? You want divorced ? I love you since High school and I never love any girls ! Now you want divorced ?! You want run away from me again ?! I'm tired losing you !" Namjoon keep crying . We feel bad for him .

"You realize what you said , Kim Namjoon ?! You lied ! I didn't believe you love me !" Y/N shout .

"Please Y/N . Don't do this . I don't want losing you again . Please ! Remember who safe you from Qeesha , who safe you from your parents . Who always with you since 12 !" Namjoon shout again .

"Get out . I don't want to see your face ." She shout and push Namjoon from that room . We run downstairs . We don't want he know we hear their conversation . We pretend like we busy watching TV . Then we hear his footsteps from stairs . He looks so sad . His face wet because tears . We feel bad . He go to kitchen and we look what he do . He open the cabinet and take a wine bottle . He drink .

"He already be like before ." Taehyung said . Yea after they both break up at the last day of school , Namjoon changed . He keep drinking wine . Like this .

"Hey . You don't think we should hug him ?" Jin asked .

"Yea ." Jhope agreed . We just want to stand up but we hear something broken from kitchen . We run and saw the wine bottle broken . He throw it . Then he take 1 more from cabinet . We sigh .

"J-Joon . Stop drinking ." Suga said .

"Just this can make me forget all my problems ." He take 1 more and go to couch . We follow him from back . He sits and start drinking .

"J-Joon . You okay ?" Jimin ask .

"You look like I'm okay ?" He looked at us .

"Namjoon . Stop drinking . This can't help you fix this problems ." I take a wine from him .

"Why ? Just let me drink it ." He want to take it but I put it at floor .

"Hyung . Don't drink . Please ." Tae said .

"You will sick if you keep drinking ." Kayla said .

"So ? I wish I can died now you know ? At least my heart will not hurt if I saw she with another guy after I divorced her ." He said make us shock .

"Yah don't said that ! We need you ." Tae mad .

"Yea you guys need me . But not for Y/N ." He sigh .

"Aish . You will not divorce . Calm down . She will change her mind . You guys also always said like this when fighting right ?" I asked .

"But she really mean it ! She go to court and ask for divorced with me because I don't want sign a divorce paper . I'm so stupid fall in love with her . If I know this happened , I will not love her !" Namjoon crying .

"Hey . Don't cry . It's normal right ? Husband and wife fighting ." Suga hug him .

"But today is different . The court already confirmed the date for us go to Court ! I love her okay ?! I love her ! Why she do this to me ?" Namjoon crying at Suga's shoulder .

"Hey we know . We know . Don't cry like this ! You make us worried ." Suga wiped his tears .

"J-Just let me sleep . My dream more better than this ." He said and lay down . We really feel bad for him .

End Jungkook POV

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