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Creator POV

The boys and Kayla was busy watching TV but suddenly they hear Namjoon's voice make them shock .

"Hey ." Namjoon said .

"Hey Joon ." They smile .

"Boys ! Kayla ! I want to ask for a help ." Namjoon said .

"Shut up . We know what you want . No ." Tae said .

"What I want ?" Namjoon ask .

"You want to go to holiday with Y/N right ? You want we take care of your both child right ?" Jungkook ask .

"Duh how you know ?!" Namjoon grumbled .

"We hear your conversation with Y/N . We want to knock your door but we hear Y/N mad at you ." Jin said .

"By the way your babyyyyyyyyyy so cute ." Jimin said make they laugh .

"Yah ! You hear that too ?" Namjoon ask and they nod .

"I need to do that babyyyyyyyyy because that her weakness ." Namjoon smile .

"You want to holiday ?" Suga ask .

"Come on ! Please ?" Namjoon ask .

"I didn't care about Minju . But Minjae . He different ! He not like Minju . Minjae always crying . Make us hard to take care of him ." Kayla said .

"Yah practice !" Namjoon said .

"What do you mean ?" Jhope ask .

"Why you ask me ? Ask Kayla and Jin . They already married and Kayla pregnant !" Namjoon said make they shock .

"Yah really ?!" Jackson shock .

"How you know ?!" Jin mad .

"If you can hear my conversation , why I can't , darlingggggggggggggggg ." Namjoon said make they all laugh .

"Yah you hear that too ?" Jin ask and Namjoon nod and laugh again .

"Come on . Take care of Minju and Minjae for me . Please ?" Namjoon do a baby face .

"Yah ! Why you do that ? We not Y/N ." Jimin said and they laughing .

"Okay fine . Until ?" Jungkook ask .

"Just 1 weeks ." Namjoon smile .

"Okay . Promise us ! Come back quick ." Jin said .

"I didn't said yes ." Suga said in sleepy tone .
Tae throw the bottle to him .

"Aish fine !" Suga said and they laugh again .

"Yayyy thanks !" Namjoon shout and they smile . Namjoon leave them and go upstairs .

"Guys . Do we need to bar them ?" Jhope ask .

"Why ?" Kayla ask .

"I feel something wrong will happen ." Jhope sigh .

"He just go holiday , hobi . Don't worry ." Jungkook said with a smile .


They all at airport . Sending Y/N and Namjoon to airport because they will go holiday by an aeroplane .

"Bye ! Update us if anything happend !" The boys and Kayla shout .

"We will !" Namjoon and Y/N said with a smiled . They wait at couch for their turn .

"Baby . You happy ?" Namjoon ask and holding Y/N's hand .

"Of course . Always if with you ." She smiled and put her head at Namjoon's shoulder .

End Creator POV


We waited and he keep stretching my hand . I feel happy with him . But why lately my heart feel uncomfortable . I mean I feel something will happend . Then we hear the announcement .

"Baby ! That us ." He excited make me chuckled .

"Come ." He pulled me . We go to our seat in aeroplane .

"Baby . You ready ?" He ask .

"Ready ." I smiled . The stewardess explained what we need to do and the pilot give announcement . He keep holding my hand . Then the aeroplane start moving .

"Baby . I love you so much . Please know that ." He smiled and pecked my lips .

"I love you too babe . You know right ?" I smiled . After few minutes in aeroplane suddenly the aeroplane moved really weird !

"J-Joon ." I scared .

"What happend ?!" He worried and hold my arms tightly .

"Anntention to all passenger . Please wear the oxygen mask ! I repeat . Please wear the oxygen mask !" We hear the announcement make us shock . Then we saw the oxygen mask . Namjoon didn't wear . He help me wear then he wear .

"N-Namjoon ." My tears drop . I scared . I hold his arms tightly .

"We . Gonna . Fine . Don't worry ." He hold my arms tightly too and we breath in the oxygen mask . We can feel the aeroplane is going down .

"Baby . Closed your eyes ! Believe me !" He said and I closed my eyes . He still holding my arms .

"I . Love . You ." He whispered .


Jhope POV

We all busy watching drama at TV . Minjae and Minju also with us now .

"Is the hero death ?!" We shocked . Suddenly the drama end .

"Yah !" We all mad .

"What happend to the hero ?!" Jin mad .

"Aish !" We all mad because the ending is so stupid . Then we saw a news .

"latest news . A plane bound for Paris from South Korea crashed ." We hear the news said .

"South Korea to . P-Paris ?" Suga shock . My tears drop .

"Yah ! That's Namjoon and Y/N's flight !" Jackson shout .

"No no ! No ! Tell me that's not true !" Taehyung crying . He run to table and take his phone . Then he call someone and put the phone at his ear .

"Namjoon ! Answer ! Tell me this is not true !" Taehyung shout and crying . He felt sit at floor .

"Tae ! Calm down !" Jin hold his shoulder .

"No no ! Y-Y/N and Namjoon safe right ?!" Jimin also suddenly shout . The house become crazy now .

"Come !" Jackson said and pulled Jimin and Taehyung to his car .

"Jin . Bring Minju and Minjae . Bring their pampers and all that they need ! Now !" Jackson said and his tears drop . Jin , Jungkook and I run to kitchen and take all that Minju and Minjae need . After few minutes , we're done . I carried Minju and Jungkook carried Minjae . We switched off the electric and lock the door . We go in car .

"Where we're going ?" Kayla ask .

"Airport . We can know the truth there ." Jackson said and drive fast .

"Hey hey . They fine they fine !" Jin try make Jimin and Tae calm .

"They are our siblings !" They both said .

"I said it . I already feel something wrong ." I said and wiped my tears .

"Uncle . Where we're going ?" Minju ask .

"We're going to airport princess ." I said and smiled .

"You okay ?" Minju ask .

"I'm okay ." I smile again .

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