scared of losing

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I'm holding his hand . Hoping he will wake up but no . He didn't . He wearing breathing apparatus . Doc said it's just for helping him to breathing . But . Suddenly he act so weird . He looks like really hard to breath .

"W-What's wrong ?!" Tae worried . They all stand up . Namjoon breathing hardly . Like someone strangle him .

"Call doc !" I said and Jungkook run to door .

"Doc ! Nurse !" He keep shouting until we saw the doc and nurse .

"You guys need to stay outside ." Nurse said and push me softly to leave . Then she closed the door . We just look what they do from outside . My tears drop . He in pain !

"W-What if he died ?" I ask .

"Hey don't said like that !" Jin mad .

"Don't said like that , Y/N . He fine ." Jimin hold my hand .

"He didn't forgive me yet ." My tears drop again .

"Aish . Don't said that okay ? I promise he will wake up ." Suga said .

Taehyung just quiet and he also crying .

After a few minutes , doc and nurse already come out .

"How ?" Jhope quickly ask .

"Don't worried . He fine ." Doc smiles .

"What happened ?" Kayla ask .

"The breathing apparatus suddenly out of gas . But it's okay . After this if that happens again called us quick . If late , he can't breath and he will ." Doc stop . We understand what he said .

"When he will wake up ?" Taehyung ask .

"We can't answer that . I'm sorry ." Doc said and we nod . We go back and saw him already breath normal .

I sigh . I scared . I don't want losing him .

"Please please please ! Wake up !" Suddenly Taehyung shout and crying .

"Hey hey !" Jungkook hug him .

"Please . Ask him to wake up . I'm scared if we losing him . I don't want losing him ." Taehyung cry .

"You will not losing him ! We will not losing him ! Stop saying nonsense ." Suga mad .

"Asked him to wake up . Please ." Tae keep crying .

"He will died . He already said . He feel like he don't have time in this world . He said sometimes he feel like he will died today ." Tae said again .

"Taehyung ! Stop saying like that !" Jimin shout .

"But I miss him ." Taehyung said and look down .

Jimin hug him .

"It's okay . We also miss him okay ?" Jimin said .

Skip ~

It's already 2 weeks . Why he didn't wake up ? He already stable and didn't use breathing apparatus duh !

"I'm tired !" Taehyung shout . We shocked why he act like that . He go closer to Namjoon and hold Namjoon's arms .

"N-Namjoon hyung . Hey wake up . I miss you so bad ." Taehyung said . My tears drop when he said like that . I wiped my tears . I hope he wakes up before I give a birth to this child .

Night .

"Hey you guys don't want to go back ?" I ask .

"N-No . We don't want ." Jin said and I just give a small smile .

I keep holding his hand but suddenly his hand moving .

"N-Namjoon ?" I stand up .

"Why Y/N ?" Suga ask .

"His hand moving . Looked !" I point it and they look .

"H-He wake up ?!" Jungkook shocked .

Now not just his hand . His face also . He like . Have a bad dream . He keep wrinkled .

"Y/N !" He shout and sit down . We shocked at his reaction .

Creator : This dialogue that Namjoon just said have at the ending of Chapter miss .

"N-Namjoon ?" We all go closer to him . He looked at us .

He take his hand and touch his head .

"A-Auch ." He said . We smiled happy . He wake up .

"Why you smiling ? Am I looked like a pig ?" He asked and we laugh .

"Yah ! I miss you !" Taehyung said and hug him .


Namjoon POV

"Where I am ?" I asked and Taehyung brake the hug .

"Hospital ." Jhope reply .

"You didn't remember ?" Kayla asked .

"Remember what ?" I ask .

"You accident ." Y/N said .

"Me ? When ?" I pretend like I forgot but actually No .

Suddenly Jimin go to the door and called the doc . Doc come .

"Yes ?" Doc ask .

"Why he forgot suddenly ? He forgot that he accident ." Suga ask crossing his arms .

"Oh some people after wake up from coma , he or she will forgot the things that make him or her stress . Maybe when he accident , he was thinking something make he stress and accident ." Doc explained .

"Oh thanks ." Jin said .

"So Namjoon . You okay ?" Doc ask .

"Yea ." I replied with a smile .

"Don't worried . You can discharge after you feel more better ." Doc said and I smile . He leaves .

"Namjoon . Can I ask something ?" Jungkook ask and help me take a drink since he noticed I try take a drinks .

"What ?" I drink .

"You remember anything else ?" Jungkook ask .

"I remember your name , your face , how to cook , I also remembered that you guys will mad me if I want to cook because I will burn the house ." I said and they chuckled but not for JK .

"Yah . I'm asking you seriously ." JK mad make me laugh .

"I remember Y/N pregnant . Enough ?" I asked .

"You didn't remember you fight with Y/N ?" Tae ask .

"Me ? Fight ? When ? I remember the last I fight with her when she met her friend . Right ?" I pretending like I'm forgot but actually I remember . Of course . Until I take a divorce paper . I just . Thinking . What if I give her another chance ? Actually what she said still hurt my heart .

"Oh really ? Y-Yea ." They said and I just smiled .

End Namjoon POV

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