Chapter Five

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[Max's POV]

I was hot by the time I reached home and I knew it wasn't because I had stumbled home quickly. It was starting again, this strange fever. My mind was on edge the entire time, confused and weary, I was tense with longing and my muscles ached, my skin felt like I was brushing something electric the entire time.

The first thing I did was strip, to get into my pyjamas, I painstakingly removed the shirt I was wearing underneath my shirt and tried to throw it aside but couldn't let go of it. When I pressed it against my face and inhaled the scent was mostly covered up or gone but what was left was such a relief that I thought there must be something seriously wrong with me.

Still, carried the shirt with me to bed that night.

I was aching all over when I finally set out to brush my teeth and wash my face, dragging myself to bed like a man to war. When I finally slipped under the covers it was too hot and without them it was too cold, I was burning up.

The phone rang, maybe once, maybe twice. I was drifting off already even though my body burned, I should have washed before bed but I couldn't gather the energy, my eyes were glued shut.

I heard a knock at the door, or maybe the neighbours, or perhaps it was a raindrop, it was all meaningless because the world could be knocking at my door and I would have slept on.

[Lowell's POV] 

"I can give you a post code buddy, that's all." Cliff drawled, casually handing back the card to me like some kind of dickhead that worked in the DMV.

"All that time searching and that's what you found? A postcode?" I hissed.

He ignored me. "I can give you a postcode and a his statement... and a non-lethal illegal burst of my taser."

I stepped back, wanting to show teeth. "Aren't you off duty?"

"I'm going through their database aren't I?" He scowled at me. "I'd be pretty fucking dumb if I did that off duty."


"He wasn't ever arrested for anything himself, he was just a witness for... an assault or something, he was the guys colleague. He never gave his full address, that or they didn't care enough to write it all down. He mentioned his workplace though."

"He did?" I perked up. "Give us a look."

I leaned over at the tiny screen he was looking at but couldn't for the life of me make heads or tails of it, it was scattered with shit and the text was too small from my distance. Finally I spotted it. Thames Kingston Publishers.

I pulled out my phone and started searching it into google. Similar postcode, somewhat near the bar where we first met too. That made sense. If he didn't still work there I'd at least be able to ask after him.

"What's got you so obsessed with this guy anyway?"

"Nothing, just need to find him." I grunted, getting up, eyes still on my phone.

He scoffed. "Doesn't look like nothing. You're looking about ready to bite someone."

I shrugged, licking my fangs, making sure my teeth weren't extended. I had enough on my plate without someone seeing that. Even worse if it was a fellow werewolf.

"I searched his name, that'll show on my record. If you kill this guy within a month of me searching this I will come find you and rip you apart, I'm not being sweet here, I will fucking kill you."

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