Chapter Twelve

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"Shit..." I sighed as we stepped inside my apartment.

"I know..." Reed frowned, toying with the broken lock that looked like it had been punched straight out of the door and was hanging by a splinter. It dropped with a loud thunk onto the dirty dark green laminate flooring of the hallway.

"This sucks, that's a fat fucking deposit I'm not getting back."

There were a couple different scents in the hallway, several people had been here but as we moved inside it seemed like only one had entered.

We examined the room, taking cautious steps inside, sniffing at the vague scents of whoever was here who had left some time ago. Stronger in some places and weaker in others. They had marked places. Well, it was definitely a werewolf. Which meant I was triple fucked.

The cupboards were pulled out, the bedcover ripped, walls scratched, albeit rather measly scratches, someone had overestimated their bitch ass paws.

My posters were ripped from the wall, I guess that was our first clue, we were looking for someone who had a grudge against Marilyn Monroe and the 1988 Die Hard. They also didn't appreciate the carpet my apartment came with, one small chunk of it was ripped out. Whoever had broken in had come inside with the exclusive intent of leaving as much damage as possible, irreparable.

I was being warned to get out now.


"It's kind of..." He stared at my mattress, over turned and ripped, all my clothes strewn across the floor. It must have taken a lot of effort, I could easily imagine them out of breath leaning on the wall where some of the scratches were, looking a little more like accidental dents.

"Kind of what?" I picked up a couple of my favourite clothes and started looking for my travelling bag with a mournful feeling in my chest.

"Kind of looks the same as it did before."

I turned around and glared at him, then tossed him the middle finger and got back to work.

As much as I tried to joke about it this was more than just a bad omen. They slashed shit, scent marked the walls, claimed the space as their own. It fucking bites to see your place in shreds even if it was a dinky little place like this. All my possessions all over, broken. It caused a small rage inside me to swell, begging for blood.

I was slowly seething as I collected the remnants and shovelled them into my travelling bag.

"Did you mark him?" He asked suddenly.

I shook my head. "Not yet."



"What are you waiting for? Pictured something else in a mate?"

I shrugged, it was an awkward question. I was more concerned with how the asshole that broke in had broken a perfectly good snow globe I won as a kid.

"I never really had a picture in mind. Figured would be some sexy women I guess, submissive and independent. Hot. But he is without a doubt the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Those big eyes and that his lips and even his fucking ears."

My heart rate picked up. His hair was soft, his neck and wrists elegant, a soft frame to him. I wondered what he'd look like tied back against my bed, looking up at me with those criminally beautiful eyes, cock jutting up in hopes of more attention.

I looked down at the shattered glass. Anger buzzed about my head.

Not now. Not fucking now. Now that I had my mate and knew barely anything about him and had so much to do.

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