Chapter Thirty Eight

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[Maxwell's POV]

I tried to look around his room properly, although it was rather bare it struck me as fascinating the moment we were shoved inside, being that the amount I knew about Lowell was still minimal. Stumbling forward the death glare Lowell had given Kasius even had him shrinking back gingerly.

There was a lot of posturing going on in his house. A lot of stalking about, surly expressions and watchful eyes. I, in particular, seemed to be viewed with a growing suspicion in this absolutely massive, horrifically expensively furnished mansion.

Growing up I'd had a nicely sized house to live in, two bathrooms, one shower, other conveniences that all felt rather normal in the school I attended. 

I'd grown up in a traditionalist household which often appeared a little more rich than it truly was, a lot of the wealth being inherited in the form of trinkets and land. But I'd liked the feel of it all. My grandparents would often collect me and have me stay with them in their sort of village style house I'd inherited from them, with doily's and china cups and commemorative decorative plates of the silver jubilee. 

Now I wasn't sure when I would be able to return and at risk of humiliating the both of us could barely keep myself together. Every look he gave me, even the way he spoke, made me shiver, made me close my eyes and look away. 

I'd done my very best, but laying there underneath him, feeling dishevelled and burning up, I felt the last thread splitting.

"I wouldn't have used it if I had known..." He murmured against my neck, biting lightly. I jumped and cringed, the flush of lust that stretched down to my cock made me take more hurried breaths.

"Used what..." I whispered back, my eyes shut tight, unable to stop, hunched as I leaned my head away from him, my neck stretched out for him to tease in a way that nearly had me smacking him.

He pressed his forehead against my neck and inhaled slowly. "I had to keep them from finding me, so I used something to hide my scent... and with you, I couldn't... couldn't have you walking around outside like that smelling delicious like that. You had no idea what you were doing..." He sounded like he was about to ask for my apology.

I swallowed, my skin prickled when he touched it too, but in a different way, in a good way, very possibly addictive. I seemed to lean toward his touch without thinking regardless. "So what..." I took a deep breath and kept my arms tight at my sides even as I lay down on the mattress underneath him. "What does it mean..."

"I guess... part of you didn't react as strongly because I was disguising my scent, and I didn't realise you were as strongly in heat because yours was disguised." He swallowed. "...fucking mess..." He bit down on my neck lightly, but stronger than before, still not breaking the skin but enough to make me panic as a long trail of skin burned and ached, I was hard, could barely move with the overwhelming sensations, needed more but couldn't decide what was right.

I wanted him to bite me, I realised. The most bizarre thing I had ever voiced in my head, but the need was so strong it was almost painful.

"It's a werewolf thing isn't it..." I murmured on my side.

His lips slowly left my skin, I could feel his eyes tickling me face as he turned to look up at me. I glanced and it was enough to make my face feel warm and heady. Those eyes were recognisably not human, and they burned right through me, I shivered and looked away.

"What is?" He asked me, his voice was getting lower, I thought.

I swallowed. "Lowell, I can't..." I took a breath, inhaling slowly. "I want you to bite me." I told him softly, admittedly in a voice that might be construed as weak. 

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