Chapter Thirty Five

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It took him about a maximum of twenty minutes of being unconscious before I felt him wake up beside me. Anxiety kept my stomach clenched, and seeing his eyelids flicker was such a relief it drew an audible exhale from me.

He blinked twice, looked at me, his lips grew thin, he stared straight ahead, pulling lightly at each silver restraint.

I didn't say anything. Perhaps because he didn't say anything either.

I was was still uncomfortable, this prickling heat caused my fingers to inch near his skin but I kep my back bowed a little as I tried to keep a certain distance between us. Not only was it completely indecent but that kind of strange need, building up like a fire in my blood, was enough to leave me feeling a little red in the face.

Our kidnappers sitting calm in front of us, relaxing against the door and the walls of the expensive padded van, glanced in our direction occasionally, with lingering gazes that seemed a little displaced.

"Do you humans always smell that good?" Markus murmured to Kasius.

Kasius didn't reply but didn't take his eyes off of us.

I'm not sure how but I felt Lowell's quiet, deadly annoyance spike. As if it spilled out into the air around him and made the hair on my forearms stand on end. I swallowed and extended my back a little better, wiping the sweat off my forehead with the cuff of my shirt. 

My posture crumpled again as we turned around a curve and I swayed further toward Lowell, my hand brushing against his ear as I pulled back. My eyes drifting over him in an all encompassing glance, his muscles were flexing at the chains without loudly pulling, his eyes now clearly fixed shut, eyebrows only slightly pointed toward his nose. 

He smelled delicious. If I were any weaker I would have given in, leaned down and wrapped my arms around him, inhaled all I could and bury my face in his neck.

If I could kiss his lips, I'd probably feel better.

I exhaled and turned my head away, stretching out my neck unconsciously, feeling as much bound as he was.

"How old are you?" Kasius demanded suddenly.

I didn't answer.

He laughed, nudged his friend and looked at me with a certain incredulity. "You know if I wanted to I could snap your neck right now, drag you out the moving car and let you end up where you end up? You get that right?"

I cold chill ran through me. I pursed my lips. "Well don't you have such a way with words..."

He blinked at me, then laughed, looking back and forth between Markus and me. A small bump in the road causing us all to rock sideways for a moment.

"Daring little bitch..." He got up and started walking toward me, looking me up and down. "You dress like you're forty, but you look like you're twenty, then you go and talk like you're eighty."

I felt all the warning signals of someone his size approaching me with that weird half smile, eyes fixed on me, but I didn't move, stayed still and didn't blink. "I'm thirty."

He hummed, leaning down and crouching in front of me.

"How is it you know him? You must have known he was a werewolf or you'd have screamed and passed out by now."

I rolled my eyes, but uncomfortable as I was even looking at the man with too much neck muscle in proportion to his head and short cropped black hair, I continued looking in Lowell's direction, noticing the slight flex of his shoulders as he continued to slowly pull at the chains. Was he doing anything? They were chains after all, it wasn't like you could just break them in two, I'd given it a good enough go.

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