Chapter Six

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I woke up to the sound of something hitting the window and promptly falling off the windowsill, further detectiving proved it to be a squirrel that had travelled from a branch of the apple tree in the garden and made an acrobatic leap towards my window from which it fell from.

I was still hot, achy, my skin felt sensitive, but I was better and fully capable of fixing the place. I was dirty and the bed was too. I showered and brushed my teeth twice, redid the bed and opened the windows wide. Stretching in relief that, that worst moment of fever was over. I found Jeffrey still asleep in the guest bedroom and laid out some new clothes for him complete with briefs and socks, carefully folded, and set about making breakfast as I called in to my place of work.

They were understanding, I was a part time editor so it wasn't usually a problem for me to reduce my hours especially since I was one of the most capable people there and although they weren't keen on admitting it, they relied on me.

When I was getting dressed for work I was itching to touch myself and found myself looking rather red faced in the mirror before putting my jacket. My tie was crooked, no amount of adjusting seemed to change it.

"You look better." Jeffrey remarked, coming from the stairs.

I greeted him with a smile. "Thank you for that, by the way."

He frowned, getting a proper look at me. "I take it back, you're flushed."

"I'm fine."

"You think it's a good idea to go into work like this?" He checked his watch. "It's already so late." 

I shook my head. "The most productive person there is me, I enjoy that fact greatly, however it means I must be there when I promise. Productive and unreliable is unproductive."

He rolled his eyes. "You're ill, you don't know why and there aren't many of the usual symptoms. If you get ill again you need to go to the doctor."

"I will." I promised.

He observed me silently and then corrected my tie for me and for the first time in my life I wanted to back away from him. I stifled my panic and covered it up with a smile.

"Would you like me to make sure you're okay tonight in case it returns? I'll need to head back for my laptop and fresh clothing not previously owned by you, but it makes no impact on my day otherwise."

I thought about it, I shouldn't give him so much work, he already stayed up far too late caring for me. But then again if I croaked again I wasn't even should I could drag myself to a doctor in that state and knowing some of the symptoms I hadn't mentioned I wasn't excited about having to share it with anyone, even a medical professional.

"That would be nice." I said finally.

He smiled, patting my back. "Good, your guest bed is far more comfortable than my own."

I snickered. "It's the antique springs." I informed him as I was opening the door.

I heard him laugh as I closed it behind me.


I rested my head on my desk.

It wasn't getting better. It was getting worse.

My obsession with the young man I had fallen into the sheets with not so long ago was growing. I was at work, I should have been focussing and in no mood to even consider anything else and yet every second I relaxed my mind wandered to him and it was almost painfully difficult to tear my mind away.

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