Chapter Fifty Seven

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[Lowell's POV]

Pissed off would have have been an understatement. Max didn't know what he was doing, he didn't get how it worked with wolves, and I couldn't teach him that in a day. It wasn't just possessiveness, it was more than that.

The moment I got my hands on him I was going to find a secluded corner just to bite him and fuck him and tell him off, he listened when I was deep inside him, even if just for the moment.

He seemed naively convinced I wouldn't kill Weston if he laid his hands on him, and I really felt like Max would feel bad if I did that, but I wasn't sure if I could stop.

I kinda thought the feelings of possessiveness would die down after I bit him, but at least for now they were stronger than ever.

Part of me had felt better knowing he left in clothing that was clearly coated in both of our scents, but he wouldn't have worn that, he'd have gone home, washed and put on new clothes, and that felt like a fucking insult, and there was no way to explain that to Max.

More annoyingly I didn't know how to find him, I couldn't contact Reed now, I doubted Kat would love the idea of us communicating after I nearly got her mate killed by my father. 

Instead I'd gone straight up to IT, IT being an office where one woman worked and did most of the computing for the pack without much help. Her name was Mena, she was extremely intelligent, very nervous, and massively lazy.

Nothing much had changed since I'd been driven out, when I knocked she still answered a minute later, hiding behind her purple frames, scratching the acne on her forearm out of habit.

"Lowell!" She'd seemed pleased to see me for a moment, then terrified. "Oh hi..."

"Hey Mena." I smiled at her and she looked even more panicked and tried to close the door.

"Hey!" I frowned.

"I'm so sorry! He made me!" She tried to slam the door closed again and I shoved my foot in and slammed the door open and she jumped and scrambled back toward her office chair, making the noise a mouse might make if you poked it.

"Who made you- What?" I frowned, narrowing my eyes.

She looked confused. "What's this about?"

I raised a brow. "You tell me Mena." I demanded.

She looked incredibly nervous but she spoke as if compelled to. "You're mad at me for tracking you down... I had to... he was looking over my neck..."

"What?" I blinked wide. "You did that? Oh..." I scratched my head. "How did you do that?"

Mena looked at me warily. "We had the person guarding Reed pretend to sleep so Reed could use his phone to call you... and I tracked it from the app I downloaded on Reed's phone, so I could use the geolocation data from your phone to track where you were."

"An app...?" 


"And you can trace a phone that doesn't have that app?"

"No both phones have to have the app."

I didn't get it.

"The app shares locations between the phones."

"But I didn't download an app."

She stared at me, beginning to fidget again.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Okay... fine. I need a favour."

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