Chapter Forty Eight

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"I see."

That was all the acknowledgement I needed to finally piece things together with confidence, and the anger that roared inside me only grew greater in my confusion and irritation.

My dad had this way of acting, as if he'd forgotten that I knew him probably better than anyone back when I was still blindly following in his footsteps running errands for him, a way of acting that made him seem reasonable and kind. It was hard to imagine but it was true, his pack followed him loyally. It only took getting close to the guy to realise just how cruel he was.

Ever since I'd been "brought" back home he'd been slightly acting, I could see it on the friendly smile on his face. He wanted me to settle down, I got it now, but the moment I expressed that I knew was the moment I saw the last remnants of that act be wisped away. 

Suddenly it was just me and him, and it was unnerving to face him once more. I still felt the cruel sting of rejection like residual pieces of glass, hiding well but damn if they didn't hurt when I let my thoughts go there.

And now I had a new reason to feel betrayed.

"You knew I was an alpha."

He didn't say anything.

"You knew."

He raised an eyebrow, as if expecting me to say something new. The way his eyebrows were arched, like I was being ridiculous and he was bearing with me.

I went back. Rearranging the events in my head. "Was that what happened? The New Valley pack caught my scent around town and got pissed off because they could tell? I'm your son, my scent would be tied in with yours, they figured the rogue came from your pack... so they'd probably demand you send an officer from your pack to check if the scent matched... is that how you found out?"

He smiled slightly. "You're really a very clever boy. I should have made better use of you."

Anger twinged inside my chest. "You knew all the way back then? You messed up my apartment? Why the fuck wouldn't you just tell me!?"

He stared at me and said nothing.

I waited, feeling the anger rolling off of my shoulders, trying not to let a tremor into my voice just from the sheer anger I was biting back.

He breathed out slowly. "What would have happened if I told you?" He asked me, his tone flat and annoyed.

"What..." I pursed my lips, the trickle of irritation sliding down my back. 

I would run like my life depended on it, because it did.

"You would have run."

I didn't reply, just kept my eyes pinned on him, narrowed, angry, making sure if he moved an inch I would extend my fangs and transform. I couldn't help the unstable flickering of energy spluttering inside me.

"And I would have been giving you a head start."

"Bullshit," I spat. "You could have stopped me," I argued. "You're not a hundred."

He smiled but there was no warmth in the smile. The curve to his lips was without pleasure. He looked like he was growing irritated.

I put my hands on my head, running my hands through the tight curls in my hair. I started breathing faster, fairly certain my face was turning a little grey.

"Two sons."

He looked away.

"Two sons, both alphas."

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