Chapter Thirty Two

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[Mena's POV]

"Let him hear his voice enough to respond." Alpha Griffith said as he sat down beside me.

Intimidating was a light word to describe him, he was scary at the best of times, it wasn't totally his fault, part of it was just how an alpha came off, not that what we were up to helped. I wouldn't have liked to be his son, that was for sure, as kindly as Griffith came off in front of others he was probably not the nicest dad.

I nodded as I kept a hand on my headphones and tried to pause carefully, it was fiddly. The location was still working itself out on the screen and getting a very specific location was nearly impossible. Alpha expected a lot from me largely because he didn't know how any of this worked, when I tried to explain it I could feel him start to get annoyed so I tried to avoid it.

It wasn't even up to me to figure out the address now, it was up to the software to triangulate exactly where the number was located. I only felt like he wouldn't understand if I hung Reed up the moment he entered in the number, either way his son wouldn't hear enough to freak him out.

"Lowell I'm telling you so you can get the fuck away-" My hand jumped and I slammed it down to end the conversation, heart pounding. I looked up at Alpha Griffith and smiled nervously, he narrowed his eyes.

I swallowed. Realised the address was on screen, a general area circled on the map and more specific coordinates below.

"We've got it." I told him quietly.

He looked and stood up slowly. "Garon!" He spoke loud and it gave me a shock, I moved away from him in my office chair as he spoke low and loud. Garon appeared at the door and bowed. "Lock Lowell's friend in the blue room and get Kasius. We have the location..."

[Maxwell's POV]

I was feeling uneasy as we walked back, Lowell had a habit of eying me down like I was a piece of steak which would have been welcome if I wasn't burning up, habitually leaning into him, whilst we headed back to finish our meal with my friends.

My friends and I had always been a slightly more gentlemanly lot, not that were stuck up, but that we preferred a certain aesthetic and were a little more private than people tended to be these days. Not to suggest that they weren't easy going, because they were.

I use the adjective sensible often, but it described us well. It was why telling James about my experience with Weston resulted in quiet understanding, followed by decisive action.

Part of me was so relieved I wanted to settle back in my seat and start the night all over, the other part struggled to keep my mind off of Lowell, so much so that I felt the need to be plastered to his side even as we walked.

Lowell felt hotter than normal too, body heat wise, a comfortable warmth reaching out for me. People watched him as he moved past, or maybe they were watching me, I wasn't sure. Something odd in their gazes.

James was missing, and Weston was too, so they had gone to talk...

We settled back down and when Lowell leaned his leg towards me I pressed mine against his, I couldn't quite keep dirty images off of my mind but I relaxed better still.

The conversation began to flow a little better now, Lowell chiming in occasionally, beginning to relax more himself. Jeffrey and I relaxing into our own conversation while we waited for James to return, him glancing to the side of me occasionally to keep an eye on Lowell for some reason.

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