Chapter Forty

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The man laughed at me as I took a pillow from the bed and set it down on the floor at the opposite side of the room. I couldn't get far enough away from him, because everything inside me recognised the room as closed, as myself being trapped, and gnawed at my stomach. I'd wiped the last remnants of Lowell's scent off of me using that spray and I regretted it.

I needed to sleep, and as he watched me move things out of the way with a level of curiosity in his eyes his phone vibrated and he answered it. Overhearing the conversation it sounded as though we might be together by breakfast tomorrow, which furthered my conviction in sleeping.

"I'm not worried." He chuckled, speaking low. It was as though he thought my hearing was so bad that I couldn't hear him speaking at the other end of the room, his face turned half away from me. "I'll bring him with to breakfast. I want to see how Lowell squirms in front of dad." He laughed, a raspy laugh.

I narrowed my eyes, a tickle of irritation in my chest. 

I laid down and closed my eyes.

We'd figure something out tomorrow. The important thing was not to waste time struggling or panicking. We could only take things step by step at the moment.

I didn't want to make Lowell feel bad about his unfortunate family. We don't choose who we're born to, sometimes it's not always the best situation for us.

Although part of me still wanted to try calling the police, another part realised that Lowell may have been being dramatic, perhaps he wanted to defend his family, subconsciously or otherwise. I didn't want to hurt him. We would find a way out, even shivering as I was, swallowing down the odd tight crawling feeling in my stomach, I held the pure conviction we would think of something.

The heavy footsteps walking in my direction were unwanted, however.

"You still got your phone?" He asked me as he stopped just beside my head.

My heart raced a little faster, I felt the bulk of it in my pocket but kept my eyes closed and didn't answer.

He laughed. "You know I could drag you to my bed. I could fuckin' cover you in my scent. Watch Lowell stomach that." He laughed louder. "You really wanna ignore me boy?"

I bristled at that, opened my eyes and sat up suddenly, turning to look up at the ugly muscle bound, for lack of a more offensive word, prick, standing over me. "I am thirty." I spoke sharply, my eyes narrowed. "I very much doubt you match my age, so I'll thank you not to treat me like a child." I hissed.

I couldn't remember ever being quite so unpleasant to people as I was the past few days, but I felt as though they forced my hand, I'd never quite been treated this way before. Homophobia was a matter of course, but even then as someone who wasn't quite as flamboyant or outgoing, or even dating for most of my adult life, as some of my friends I didn't face what a lot of other gay men did. The only obvious tell was something more and more men were comfortable expressing regardless of sexuality.

He stilled for a second then crouched down and the way he did caused me to back up a bit before freezing as he loomed over me.

"You're human, you're as good as a child."

"Says the man acting like a petulant teenager warring with his brother over who gets their father's attention." I hissed.

I thought his face turned a particularly unhappy shade for a moment, his expression wrinkling in the centre. "You don't know shit bitch, you didn't even know my brother was a wolf and you want to pretend you know our relationship? You unwanted fuckin' mate."

I pursed my lips, my blood pumping, the way he crouched over me felt like he was five second away from lifting a hand to punch me in the face.

"How do you know I didn't know he was a wolf?" I asked gingerly, trying not to pull back. "And I'm not his mate. You'd know that if you knew your brother any bit as well as I do. I just happen to enjoy sleeping with him." I cringed inside, every word feeling as though it scraped the sides of my mouth getting them out.

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