Chapter Nine

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It was worse than the first night. Just his hands on me, the closeness to him, when I turned and faced his chest and caught that scent on him. It almost seemed as though I had been waiting for it, expecting to meet him again, do this again. It made even less sense because I knew what type of a person I was with. Someone too young, too volatile, too possessive.

How did I have any reassurance that this hot-headed boy wasn't just going to drive me insane and then leave me to deal with the remnants of a hope I hadn't asked for.

He somehow knew which bedroom was mine after a second of hovering in the hallway, he seemed to glare at the guest bedroom for a while but didn't step inside and then barged into my own.

He lowered me onto the bed and immediately climbed on top of me, kissing me. I was swept away with it all, any sort of resistance I had fled and I was left beneath him, trying to make whatever contact I could with him.

As our lips collided, my soul inexplicably soaring with exquisite relief, my hands ran along his back and his shoulders. Every inch of him seemed so strong, he must have worked out every day to maintain muscles like that, and the strength with which he removed my shirt suddenly, recklessly, made me think he must be inhuman.

I helped pull off his shirt and he flung it to the side, back to kissing me. It was the kind of aggressive kiss that should have hurt, should have shocked and scandalised me, I'd never had sex with anyone else this way, but it was good.

His lips were perfect against mine, any example of his power just burned me up the way he drove against me, grinding on me, he tasted too good, felt too good. I was already fully erect, reaching down trying to free myself, he reached down but I tried to stop him, pulling away from the kiss that was making me dizzy.

"I'll take it off myself." I whispered against him, flushed and desperate.

"I can do it faster." He growled.

I slapped his hands away, trying to glare at him. "You'll break it. I don't have an infinitive resource of good quality suits, let go."

He furrowed his brows at me, chest heaving as he watched me remove the trousers like a sane person not being driven mad by a need like no other, and he undressed as well, so that the next time we were pressed up flush against each other I felt the familiar warmth and feel of every bit of him.

I was narrower than him and about half a head shorter despite him being younger than me. In my time growing up I had spent a very limited amount of time at the gym, it always felt too competitive for me and I was never felt suitable for it as a beginner. My father seemed disappointed in that despite not being much of a strong-man himself.

Narrow hips and some defined muscles, I wasn't thin but I was clearly smaller than him. Being with someone so massively different from myself should have made me self conscious, we probably would have looked very incompatible to anyone else, but the way a simple kiss of his drove away all thought proved differently.

His kisses ran down along my neck as he ground down on me and our cocks collided against each other, I turned my head in the other direction and he kissed that side, I was hot, I wanted him to move faster, or pull my legs apart and take me already, I could barely stand it.

"Just- I can't-" I grit my teeth, hands wandering over what I could reach able to feel just how handsome every part of him was, it was torturous.

"Do you have lube somewhere?" He murmured against my ear.

I shivered, even his voice was sexy. I shook my head, eyes closed.

He was silent for a moment and I turned, looking up at him, he seemed to calm down a little, grinned at me.

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