Chapter Thirty One

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[Lowell's POV] 

I got a call from Reed only a moment later, and picked up fast in my relief because my pessimistic mind was starting to think something messed up happened to him.

"Lowell..." He was whispering and the words sank into static.


"Um, dude, I need your..." His voice faded out of clarity again. "...the guy is asleep right now..."

"What guy? Reed I'm telling you I don't understand you, what's happening?"

"I already spoke to Kat... Just for a second... She's on her way." I missed a chunk of what he was saying earlier though so I didn't have the context for the rest of it. It wasn't quite static, it was just combined with mumbling.

I scrunched up my brows. "What are you saying? Reed? Dude stop mumbling for a second, are you alright?"

"No man, I'm stuck, for fucks sake."

"Stuck where?"

He said something that sounded like something about 'wheels' which could have been something about his car breaking down.

"Lowell I'm telling you so you can get the fuck away-" And the line cut off, two short tones marking the end of the call as I stared at the screen, watching it minimise itself.

I called him back but it said the caller was busy. Tried again with no luck. Reed needed help, that much I understood. I couldn't figure out if he was in big trouble or not.

He was acting weird for sure, setting off alarm bells. And regardless of what happened I had to figure out what it was, I had Kat's number so I needed to call her to figure out what was happening. But when I tried the user was busy again. 

I sighed and needed the night to end early. Especially with this fucking Weston guy sitting opposite me.

The guy went quiet after Max left, only talking to join the others in their conversation, something political that I wasn't informed on. Could have been because I bared my teeth at him, albeit minus extended fangs, he did seem to shrink a little at that, but even as his colour returned and he squared up his shoulders, looking embarrassed that he even flinched, his snivelling possessiveness didn't return.

Maybe that made sense, maybe the weird comments were only something relevant to Max, which was why he turned pink when Weston alluded to "kissing the triangle" whatever that meant.

So I sat there brewing in my growing irritation as I waited for my man to return so I could politely ask him to leave with me and make quick work of his clothes as he explains fast who the fuck this guy really is to him.

Business partner.

He'd said something along those lines. I wanted to go to the toilets and interrogate him about it. My annoyance felt weirdly powerful too, as though I was accidentally externalising it although I didn't move abnormally or make an expressive face, the people around me looked uneasy, and I could feel myself uncontrollably filling the space around me with a small part of the irritation I felt.

Norman leaned over and passed me a drink I didn't order. "It's an ice chocolate." He smiled at me, looking a little nervous though I wasn't sure why.

I looked at it, it had a cocoa aroma that cold things normally didn't have and nice. I looked at him and nodded, thanking him, not sure what to say. It felt like he was trying to make me feel better, but getting me this chocolate milk... whatever it was, with a scoop of ice cream in it, didn't it kind of resemble how you'd treat a child?

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