Chapter Sixty Six

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He did accept the tea, watching me with black eyes, suddenly Griffith was a lot less hostile and I wasn't sure how to make sense of that. Bazile on the other hand did not apparently care that I had just shifted into a wolf despite being a human, and proud. He was busy staring at Jeffrey, his nostrils flaring, and Jeffrey stood on the other end of the table, his face frozen, eyes evading him.

The phone rang again and I squinted to annoy the pulse of an oncoming headache as I put the teapot down on the trivet before raising the height of the table and extending it. "We need more chairs," I mumbled on my way to collect the phone.

Everyone was particularly silent now, apparently turning into an animal in front of them worked wonders.

I picked up the phone as I pulled out the spare dark wood chairs from under the stairs and unfolded them in by the table.

I saw his name on the display. "Dad?"

"Max." He grunted. "So you don't pick up your phone now?"

I pursed my lips, sitting down in the middle of the absolute insanity that was my living room and gesturing for Jeffrey to sit beside me so that Bazile could not sit near him, Lowell narrowed his eyes and I glared at him. "Sit." I ordered, pointing to the chair nearest to Jeffrey, and he sat quickly but with a posture that he seemed to take on when he was annoyed.

"Excuse me?" My father replied.

"I have guests over." I explained hurriedly. "How are you?"

"How are you." He asked me flatly, something off about his voice.

"I'm fine," I lied. "Just fine..." I looked up and saw everyone watching me and I hurriedly began to pour them tea. Bazile looked at me with a raised brow like I was mental. "Sit." I snapped at him and he jolted just about, and sat, narrowing his eyes at me and looking at Lowell as though I was definitely mental.

"Do you have a pet or a guest?" He snapped back.

I exhaled. "What's the difference exactly." I was being rude but I was shaken and not in the mood to be holding either a tea party or handling a phone conversation, but things needed to be discussed, now that the sky had fallen on our heads, that is to say, Jeffrey and mine.

"Max I appear to have caught you during an argument, I will call back when you've calmed down."

"I'm fine." I replied hurriedly, massaging my temples. "Just... something related to work worrying me. You called me, why?"

I nudged Jeffrey, he smiled nervously at me and poured himself and myself tea, eying me down and looking away. "Max..."

"I wanted to see how you are, you're my son, why shouldn't I?"

"Right, okay," Completely unusual, he never did that, I was always the one to call him if there was a good reason to. "I'm doing fine."

"You're dating a werewolf?"

My eyes went wide, I blinked and looked at the phone. I exhaled and shut down the reciever.

Jeffrey blinked at me, looking between the phone and myself.

I exhaled and put the phone on the table., slowly taking my newly filled cup in hand. "The white biscuits are shortbread, light brown caramel, dark brown chocolate."

Griffith was the only one left standing, looking at us, he slowly sat down too. "What is this..." He said slowly, his voice barely a rumble as his dark eyes landed on me.

I looked at him impassively. "You've never tried tea before?"

A scowl twitched at his lips. "Don't be facetious with me boy."

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