Chapter Forty Three

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There were two people guarding the door as I stumbled into the hallway. It was Kasius and someone else. It occurred to me immediately that out of all the people that might have been available to stand outside, although I did not know the others in the house, Kasius felt somewhat like a targeted pick from Bazile.

Even they backed up in surprise as I was thrust from the room, passing a second long look of surprise between them.

On unsteady legs I tried to stand back upright as I looked up at them, and I saw the way Kasius looked down at me, first with an arched brow. "Whoa..." He looked at the door next. "Would you look at that Liam?" He laughed, turning back to me. "What'd you do to piss him off?"

I swallowed, turning around, considered bargaining to get back inside, feeling the panic of the unknown tickle the back of my head. But for the life of me I couldn't imagine a line that would get him to let me back, it would only serve to make him feel more gleeful about me even trying.

"Hey," Liam addressed me, reaching out.

I backed up, bumping into the wall beside the door. 

"Jesus..." Liam laughed. "You need to chill, I'm just trying to take you to another room if he doesn't want you in his."

I hesitated, looking at both of them with a tight feeling in my chest.

Kasius frowned, getting closer. "What's up with your shirt? You two getting down?" He laughed, but the way his eyes examined me felt less clinical than I'd have liked.

"No!" I shook my head fast, disgusted, but that almost threw me off my balance and as I tilted forwards Liam caught me, my arms and chest bristling with the feeling, I lurched backwards into Kasius. "Wow, wow, calm down." He mocked, laughing, hands raised.

Liam glanced at the door. "What did you do to set him off?" He asked me.

That was a rather leading question, nevertheless I answered. "I might have said something hurtful."

Liam looked puzzled for a moment, then laughed. "What are you doing kid? Giving shit to the alpha, you got balls on you for sure..."

"Kid." I repeated, taking a deep breath to swallow my irritation and find my tongue. "I'm most definitely older than you. What's with the infantilising going on here? I'm a grown adult."

"You're a tiny-"

"If my height-" The room swam for a moment and I put a hand on the wall to make sure I was standing upright, another wave of heat making my skin tingle. They were so frequent now that I could barely stand. 

"If height makes someone younger than you then there are some ninety-four year old's you'll outweigh in years as well." I bit out, it sounded a little harsher because real panic was setting in.

As my eyes darted about between them and the corridor, wondering if I could walk away or if they would stop me, I saw Kasius open his mouth to respond, some humour in his eyes, then he paused and I could see the moment he caught the scent in the air.

He moved closer suddenly and I leaned away, watching in real time as his expression changed. I felt the danger  in the air and I backed away fast this time, moving along the wall to stumble into the corridor, creating a big space between us, but only because, as his eyes grew dark, he stood still and let his arms relax by his sides.

But as he stepped closer I moved backwards.

He cocked his head, his nostrils flaring.

"Who're you mated to?" He asked, his voice low.

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