Chapter Sixty Two

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"Let go of me Lowell!"

He gave me an irritated look as he pulled me after him. "What are you going to do huh?"

I was baffled for a moment as I fought to keep up with him. "I'll talk to you about this later." I said in an icy voice.

There was a slight irritable exhale. "Fine." But it didn't sound fine. By how he knew I wasn't afraid of a good rant, it was necessary for people to be told where they went wrong before they could improve, and making a scene and dragging me out of the party was exactly the type of behaviour that was completely unacceptable.

"Take me back, now!" I insisted, pulling my arm.

"He's a grown man, he can handle himself!"

"Yes but he's human!" I argued. "You know Bazile, you know this can't end well!"

He glared at me. "So what do you want me to do? Ask Weston to babysit you while I cuff him down in silver?"

I cocked my head as slowly as one can while being marched down the road. "I don't need anyone babysitting me, I'm older than you."

"Then act like it!"

"You- I- You act like it!" I felt childish even having this conversation, but there was no one else in the world that could drag it out of me like him.

"No you." He snapped, I couldn't imagine a more childish response if I tried.



I frowned, breathless, what on earth was I supposed to say here.

"Jeff needs my help, if you don't let me-" I tried to yank my arm away. "If you don't let me go right now I won't let you into my house from now on!"

He blinked, eyes wide for a moment as he looked back, genuinely startled, and I immediately felt bad, not just because I knew that would offend him but because I did not, at all, want to forbid him from entering my house, I wanted to wake up next to him and go to sleep next to him, but I was running out of things to threaten him with.

He narrowed his eyes, suddenly stopping and stepping in front of me. "Do it." He dared me. "Lay down the law."

"You... can't..." I stared back at him, my resolve too flaky to begin with to actually say the words when I knew they would be a lie. "If I..."

I saw the relief in his eyes as he eventually scoffed.

I clicked my tongue and scowled as he returned back to pulling me after him. "I will stand still right now! I'll sit down until you let me go back!"

He didn't stop, falter or slow down but continued to march forwards. "You can either walk or be carried, those are your options."

I stared at him like he was mad, but he either he couldn't see me or he was great at ignoring me.

I was about to struggle again but the minute I tried we walked into a busy street, busy in the sense that in both directions you could see at least two people walking past, and that was enough for me to feel muted and flushed.

"I'm going to go back the minute you let go!" I hissed quietly.

"Then I won't let you go..."

[Lowell's POV]

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