Chapter Fifty Nine

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[Lowell's POV]

The meeting started out normal and became something odd, the way things were phrased, the questions they asked, more often than not directed at me or with a lingering gaze in my direction. 

As my eyes were flitting back and forth, suspicious, I felt a piece of paper forcefully pushed into my hand. 

I opened it up under the table, slowly.

They are here to interview the next pack alpha.

It explained. I stared at it, narrowed my eyes and looked back at Bazile who did not even glance at me. Annoyed by the note and confused by the fact that he was helping me out, I ended up glaring at the table.

No wonder.

Our pack was too big not to be a concern if the alpha passed away and there was no proper heir to the pack, and while Bazile should be the one they were looking at my father had clearly insinuated it would be me taking charge and so they had immediately turned their attentions to me.

I could feel Bazile's depressed, pissed off mood beside me, but to his credit he never said anything out of turn or even cast an angry look his father's way.

In the last twenty minutes I had gotten to know a side of Bazile I had never seen before, or if I had I hadn't noticed. If he was still being childish it wasn't easy to tell, he seemed to be doing exactly as my father said.

I gritted my teeth and waited, my glare reaching across the table. Bazile was wearing a sullen look as they spoke and no wonder why.

"Do you have any aspirations  for the pack?" They asked me.

I sat there and closed my eyes briefly to let off some steam, pissing off these people would do no one any good. 

"Not many, the pack's alright as it is." 

Aside from the schooling problem, the lack of access to healthcare specific to wolves when families not living on the compound were in trouble and the fact that the alpha was forcing his sons to compete for a position I was beginning to wonder if both of us were losing interest in.

That wasn't a satisfactory answer and it was immediately followed by more questions, the less I answered the more I was asked and with Bazile sitting beside me I was beginning to get genuinely pissed.

The man had put my mate in the lions den, he's bitten off my fingers and nearly killed me, and yet having him sitting beside me while they clearly interviewed me for the job he wanted irritated me even more. Never did I expect to by sympathising with him and I wasn't sure I wanted to.

As a matter of courtesy they did eventually ask Bazile questions, and maybe he was in a different mood that day, maybe someone had stepped inside his skin and taken over, but the replies were decent, some pretty inciteful.

The attention still ended up back on me when Griffith began asking me questions and I gave him a pretty public glare before answering calmly.

Like a ridiculous little quiz.

At one point I considered just getting up and leaving. He knew I wasn't interested in becoming alpha, he was just trying to force my hand. But Bazile seemed to cotton on to the possibility looked at me, irritably, and shook his head.

I frowned darkly and stayed in my seat, but let not one of them feel comfortable, my dark energy spilling into the room much to the irritation of my father, who fixed his own dark gaze on me, a warning.

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