Chapter One

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[A/N]  Weee, let's go...  (ノ  'ヮ' )ノ*・゚✧

My shirt had to be somewhere. I didn't know where to look first, there were too many new things to see. The floor was covered in their possessions, a towel slung haphazardly over the door, a couple odd socks strewn about in an open drawer. It didn't somehow look dirty but I had to wonder if a whirlwind might have hit it.

Every strange shirt, every odd knickknack, even the slightly blue light, in comparison to the slightly yellow light I had at home, coming from the light bulb in the adjoining room hammered home to me that this was not home.

I felt completely disorientated waking up to a foreign room, naked, the previous night distorted but not forgotten. My clothes kicked over the side of the bed but somehow difficult to find. Perhaps because I had never before been in a situation where I had been required to look for them like this.

I glanced at the man lying in bed, his chest rising and falling quietly, peacefully. The memory of his hands on my upper arms pressing me into the mattress as he... I shivered. I felt my heart race thinking about it and pressed it into a corner of my mind so that it would not force me to change my mind.

This was not me. This was not like me. I do not do things like this.

A one off, perhaps due to some repressed desire to act out and be wild and free like all of my friends during secondary education or something, some subconscious want to be loved by someone out there. But this wasn't the way, I had never even considered something like this so how had it happened? 

I rubbed my eyes. The night, while it was quite possibly the best night I had ever had in my entire life, was a one off, a way of purging myself of the reckless wants in me.

Now it was time to return to my home where things were orderly and the heating was appropriate enough that I didn't want to dive back into bed with the strange man so that I could snuggle into his warm chest and hide under his strong, sexy arms... I tried to look away. It was a miracle such a man was interested in me at all. He had to be younger than me as well, he probably didn't know that unless I had told him, I looked far younger than my actual age.

How young was he exactly? That thought worked like a cold shower.

That damned shirt had to be somewhere!

I couldn't even remember what it looked like at this point. It could have been the lime green shirt with the blue collar or the viscose blue shirt with a half collar, I remembered picking between them the morning before.

It didn't matter though because the clothes scattered on the floor were all his, mine were no where to be seen.

I saw my shoes and put them on, lackadaisically tucking the shoelaces into the shoes rather than tying them.

I had my briefs, my socks, my trousers, my phone and my wallet and the only damned thing that was holding me back was my blasted shirt! I couldn't imagine the awkward conversation if he spotted me now.

He might be hurt that I was sneaking off without saying goodbye, but the man probably did this all the time with people.... Though that didn't mean there wasn't a certain etiquette to this sort of thing, one I wasn't accustomed to and this would serve well as my excuse for being so unkind and leaving without saying anything or even thanking him for the night before.

For all I know, though he might just wake up and ask himself what I was still doing here, and I would have to explain to him that I was still looking for my shirt, this would be far too uncomfortable!

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