Chapter Forty Six

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He glanced back at me while he was walking, a tight hold on my arm as he pulled me after him, forcing me to match his pace.

I understood he was in a rush to get us back to his room, presumably to get shirts, which I was suddenly all for seeing the wide-eyed glances in our direction as Lowell, in all his shirtless glory, stormed through the hallways with me trailing behind him.

But my lower back was throbbing and each time I stepped a little too fast forward there was a pinch or stinging sensation that resulted in me limping as I tried to keep up.

"Do you want me to carry you?" He asked me slyly.

I frowned at him uneasily. "Don't."

He raised an eyebrow. "But you're limping," He said, feigning sympathetic emotion. "You're hurt."

I narrowed my eyes. "Lowell if pick me up I'll bite-" I frowned, stopping myself, watching his grin draw wider. "I'll..." What was there to threaten even, how did people threaten other people? I couldn't for the life of me remember how it worked.

"On that note." He slowed to a stop and turned around, about to reach out.

I backed up a step or two fast. "Lowell! We're next to your door, don't be ridiculous!"

He hummed. "Why does everything you say sound like you're daring me."

"I can assure you I'm not-" I didn't manage to finish what I was saying before he stepped up and reached out and picked me up and I yelped as I was lifted off my feet.

My arms struck out, just missing the door frame as he took me inside and I struggled, nearly falling sideways simply from trying to get back down as he rearranged me in his arms, my legs over one arm and his other arm under my back and arm.

"Good lord." I wheezed.

"You were limping." He mocked, biting my ear lightly as we moved inside and he kicked the door closed behind us.

I shivered, feeling and knowing just how sharp those teeth were as they lightly bit my ear, there was a tickle pleasure and of fear as I leaned into his chest a little. 

"You don't listen to me." I complained, hearth thumping in my chest, my arms wrapped around his shoulders, not a terrible position to be in but part of my brain still doubted that it was possible for him to pick me up without falling over.

He scoffed, eyes blazing for a moment as he walked me to his bed and put me down on it with the kind of ease that came with mind boggling strength. "You don't listen to me." He argued. "And you should be listening to me. Who'd ever heard of a mate like you."

I frowned at him. "This all goes back to your brother's weird assertations about me needing to be submissive doesn't it."

He didn't say anything but he narrowed his eyes.

"If you'd really prefer I... behave that way, then I can always give it a go..." I mumbled.

He only continued watching me, eyes growing a little darker.

"I don't understand the need for it but I wouldn't would I?" He didn't answer. "Answer." I frowned at him.

His eyes made me uneasy for a moment, then he finally scoffed and shook his head.

"Fine, act submissive."

"Alright then." I felt somewhat egged on, then felt lost. "Well what am I supposed to do?"

He smirked slowly, climbing on onto the bed as well, leaning over me where I sat. "Say... 'Thank you my mate' and bow your head. That's what you'd say if I gave you something, or did anything for you."

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