Chapter Sixty One

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[A/N] Everything was a little late this week and the last. A lot happening. A baby just got born ✧ I have a niece now hmm... Doesn't sound good.... getting older... "" Okay let's go !

I moved out of the hallway in a hurry, my hands raised slightly, trying to instinctively create a little space for him to calm down in as he stormed towards me, and by stormed that was no dramatization, I wasn't the only one backing up in surprise.

"You-!" Bazile, of all people, was following close behind, index finger raised, an angry accusing look on his face. I couldn't have been more startled if I tried.

What on earth was he doing here?

"Be quiet!" Lowell barked at him. "Wait at the door, this is between me and him!"

Bazile growled but did step back, surprisingly, I had no idea what was going on, why they'd shown up together or why Bazile was suddenly listening to him, but the more important thing on my mind was that Lowell was approaching, and fast.

"Calm down! Calm down!" I pointed at him loosely as I walked backwards and he kept approaching. "This is someone's birthday party, don't be so loud!"

"Stop backing up!" He demanded angrily, squinting at me as he walked towards me.

I frowned at him as he got closer and pressed a hand to his stomach. "Then stop walking like that!" I snapped. "You're making a scene!"

"Walking like-" He glanced around the room to check if he was indeed making a scene, which he was, and Weston chose the perfect moment to try to skirt out of the hallway I'd just left in an attempt to vanish.

He stopped very suddenly in his tracks and turned around. "You..." He glanced back at me, his face cold.

"Lowell..." I grabbed his arm.

Lowell yanked his arm free and started walking in the opposite direction and my heart rate spiked. Weston glanced back at him and tried to very suddenly walk away, meaning he had to push past a group of people, but in their startlement none of them were very accommodating in getting out of the way and he ended up stumbling back into a wall, his head against a picture frame, nearly as white as the wallpaper.

I followed as fast as I could, after a moment of delay, and grabbed his arm again. "Come!" I demanded. "Outside!"

Lowell turned and growled and I nearly jumped out of my skin. "You..." He glanced back at me at me as I yanked his arm, trying to pull someone away and not succeeding was beginning to chip at my pride. "You guys came out of the hallway together."

I pulled him lightly, my hands getting clammy. "The toilet is down there..." I would of course explain everything when we were alone, I wouldn't allow for misunderstandings.

He looked back at me, towering over Weston who seemed to be shrinking downwards, for all his snarky words about Lowell the moment he saw him he turned surprisingly grey, with gentle hues of green.

He looked about ready to punch him and I felt myself running out of time, I glanced around the room and swallowed, looking at him. "We talked. We have a history and I wanted to close the door on it." I admitted.

Lowell didn't just look pissed, he looked about ready to kill, he turned back to look at Weston, shoulders slightly hunched as he towered over him. "And? You wanted to say something to my m- to my boyfriend?"

"N- No..." Weston looked indignant but scared. Initially struggling to find his voice, but when he found it, he definitely used it. "He dragged me in there, if- if you want to be upset with someone, how about start with your delightful boyfriend. Who, by the way, invited a co-worker who has been flirting with him since before the party."

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