Chapter Sixty Four

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"Tell me where he lives!" Bazile demanded as he stormed into the home, causing me to back up before I could even close the door as he marched right inside.

I watched, partly baffled and partly struck with horror as his voice bellowed and there was a small creak and thud upstairs that I could only try to drown out by speaking.

"Who?" I replied loudly, my heart hammering away in my chest as though I was doing something illegal. "Take off your shoes or step off of my carpet." I snapped.

"Who?" He asked me, narrowing his eyes as he walked right up. "Who do you think?"

Lowell got up and stepped in between us. "Don't involve Max, you can chase him on your own, neither of us are gonna help you."

Bazile glared at his brother. "Fuck that! He's my mate! If you know something you tell me! How dare he run away from me?!"

I cringed to myself, poor Jeff, he was entirely right to be worried.

"You scared him off, go look for him on your own time!" Lowell snapped at him. "Don't barge in here speaking to my mate like that!"

Bazile looked at him like he was crazy. "And what kind of cosy meeting is this exactly? He disobeyed you, practically cheated on you!"

"He didn't cheat." Lowell snapped.

"When did I cheat on who?" I responded, baffled and nearly breathless.

Bazile turned his angry gaze on me. "Who let you go to that party? Huh?!"

"It's none of your business what I get up to! I can go wherever I want! Unless I'm gravely mistaken I believe I'm... let's see... nearly a decade older than you?"

Having to constantly bring up my age felt like it was beginning to sound less and less mature each time.

"Who asked how old you are? You look twelve." He snapped. "And Lowell's pretending to be okay with it but you know how much it sucks to have a disobedient brat as a mate-"

"Bazile!" Lowell barked and his voice caused both of us to jump, well he more jolted but with that kind of body mass it was probably harder to jump. "Shut the fuck up!"

I glared at him. "This seems like a good time for you to leave."

He narrowed his eyes tightly. "Give me his address."

I was about to say 'no' when he continued.

"Please." He spat out the word aggressively, and yet somehow in an earnest plea. "I'm not playing."

"I wouldn't have permission to do so even if I wanted to!"

"Max-" He took a step closer and Lowell stepped directly in front of me and I stepped to the side.

The general feeling between the two of them was taking a less than pleasant turn.

"I wasn't gonna do anything!" He spat his brother.

"Stay back then." Lowell pushed him back.

He gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes down at me. "Max... I appreciate you're human... I get it, I fucking do, but that boy is mine. You have no right-"

"Who is yours?"

Unfortunately that was a question that neither came from myself, nor Lowell, nor Bazile, or even Jeffrey, because walking up the garden path was Griffith, flanked on either side with what I could only assume was some excessive muscle, just barely walking behind him, and three or four men behind them.

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