Chapter Fifteen

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A warm rough hand slid down my back as we kissed and I groaned against him as I felt him immediately grabbing every inch of me without any prudence or shame.

I knew I should have pushed him off of me, drew a line between us that I had repeatedly failed to cast, and when I had he had so readily and easily overstepped without being rebuked for it. But it was difficult because for the life of me I couldn't ever remember having felt so good with another man before, his kisses seemed to burn through me right down to my soles, it made me feel nervous.

He was the most demanding, undisciplined person I had ever been with. It was so unusual, yet it still managed to feel natural between us when it couldn't possibly be.

I only half pushed against his chest, my eyes shutting as I sank into the kiss and slowly forgot to breathe, but he still pressed me back effortlessly against the door and ground against me in a way that caused my breath to hitch.

My face was warm as I pushed him back harder, feeling out of breath. "The food-"

His lips cut me off and a hand slipped round my neck, angling my head better for the kiss. How was it possible for a person to taste so good, feel so perfect. I wanted more, wanted everything, between us it felt as though there was some sort of electricity being passed back and forth. I moaned, scrunching up my eyebrows as my hands spread out against his chest, my left moving to his shoulder.

Muscular, tall, rough and sweet.

After Weston I had noticed my subconscious drifting towards men who looked and acted like him. It had always disgusted me. Like some sort of love sick puppy, ignoring how badly I thought then that I must have scarred him, I was still seeking out other people like him.

Weston was relatively athletic, a little taller or perhaps the same height, cool and ineffective, kind in a relaxed and gentle way. He was attractive, of course he was, with caramel highlights in his brown hair, once messy, now short cropped and faded at the sides, and greyish blue eyes that I had once been besotten with. White skin, some freckles here and there, down his neck and arms.

It hurt to compare the two of them when Lowell was so far from him it boggled my mind. Dark skin and bright blazing eyes, the sort of roughness that should have frightened me but came with a kind of awareness that convinced me he would stop if I really pushed him to.

Maybe he wouldn't, maybe I just wanted to believe that he would... I questioned myself this as he drove against me in a way that caused sparks to run directly down to my cock and reminded me that I had neighbours.  

This time I pushed him back hard and he suddenly let me go, stumbling back a step, opening his eyes to look down at me.

We were both panting as he pulled back, arms still on either side of me as though he was worried I might duck and run like last time, hunched forwards slightly, eyes hooded and lips apart.

I looked up at him, still breathing deeply. I was in the perfect position to kiss him.

I glanced at his lips, saw his eyes watching mine, pushed him back harder from embarrassment. His hands let go of the door behind me, letting me out, and I sidestepped him carefully.

He looked annoyed, chest still rising rapidly. "Why do you always have to interrupt a good thing?"

I glared at him. "That's not where you put a pizza." I scolded him, still feeling nervous as I collected the box from the window sill. It needed repainting and the cracked pain was the only reason why the box never fell down into my hydrangeas.

"I wouldn't have bought the damn pizza if I knew you were going to choose it over me." He grumbled, a joke but he almost sounded serious.

I raised an eyebrow at him as I moved past and struggled to collect my keys from my pocket while holding a box that was definitely not the size I expected when I thought of pizza, not that I'd had take out pizza more than two times in my life before.

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