Chapter Seventeen

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[Max's POV]

This made it official.

I could not resist him at all. And even that felt like an understatement, something about him was overwhelming, addictive, felt too good, too right. I wanted more of him. There was something strange in his tone when he spoke to me, and that was all I noticed in the moment, but a second delayed I realised it couldn't have been just me, it felt the room was bathed in a warm that left me dizzy, my cock was suddenly erect, my blood rushing down as he slipped his arm around me tighter and the kiss drove all my thoughts south.

But when presented with him sliding his hand down to my cock and under it I stopped him despite it all, despite my red face and racing heart and the smell of him which was driving me crazy.

"Protection." I demanded in a rough voice, before clearing my throat. "We can't..."

He looked startled through his half lidded eyes and waited for me to laugh, reveal it as a joke perhaps.

I tried to scowl and must have succeeded because he glared at me and leaned towards his backpack, rifling around and pulling out a box and setting it hard on the coffee table beside us. I jumped at the sound.

He still looked annoyed but also smug. "You thought I came unprepared."

"I..." My sentence immediately trailed off when I realised the box was a box of condoms, a box of one hundred condoms. Who on this green and blue earth needed so many condoms! "What- You-"

"I went shopping for you." He said casually in a low husky voice as he ripped the box open roughly, somehow with only his index finger, and pulled out a condom, ripping the plastic off with his teeth. 

"What on earth would possess you to buy so many of-" I looked up at him with astonishment. "You'll never use those..." I hope.

Was I the only person he was taking to bed with like this?

He pressed his lips back against my own and words were not only cut off but sailed away somewhere far so that I could no longer remember what exactly it was that I wanted exclaim as he kissed me so hard my toes curled.

And so, for the first time, I did something I never thought I could possibly allow myself to do. I had sex with someone on the wonderful couch which I used every day, more than that, used for my friends, family and colleagues that came to visit. Whose leathery build supported my aunt every time she came to visit.

We continued throughout the entire movie, his hands all over me, and mine over his, every time I tried to come back to my senses and pull us apart he drew me into a kiss that sent that sizzle back through my veins and then I couldn't think, just knew I needed more.

It wasn't quite enough, despite the satisfaction I felt like I was dangerously close to offering up my soul to this strange man who followed me home, who, twice now, I let inside voluntarily.

A conscious part of my brain was constantly worrying about this. That there must be something genuinely wrong here, that I was so enamoured with him, that someone so impossibly attractive, gorgeous, smoking even, would look twice at me, follow me home.

Would the logical presumption not be that he wanted something from me? More than just... me? My house or my money, or the things in my house.

I didn't have a TV, did not buy frivolous things, kept cordial with the neighbours and employed a gardener to take care of the front and back garden once a month. No mower, no expensive tools, or phones.

Although I wasn't poor the house was inherited, my grandparents passed it to me when they passed away. Each in the hospital, one day after the other.

Given to me, who treasured it, and was now doing indecent things on the sofa with a stranger who was so attractive it hurt to look at him, took my breath away and forced me to close my eyes.

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