Chapter Thirty Four

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I should have struggled, it made no sense to just go with them, but after watching my partner turn into a wolf and get knocked out by guys around his size I was fairly certain I was out of my depth here and walking with them was likely my best bet as staying safe.

So I entered the car quietly, my expression tense as they watched me quietly climb inside. They passed an odd expression back and forth between each other, as though perhaps they weren't quite sure why I wasn't struggling, or fainting I suppose. 

I was never much of a fainter but there was always a first time for everything.

The car they initially were blocking the alleyway off with, though, was not the car we were heading toward, instead it was the one neatly parked curb side just beside it.

It was a black panel van with silver detailing and it looked so expensive that it simultaneously ended up looking like a hearse, which was more than appropriate with how Lowell slumped forwards as two of the men carried him inside as though he was a drunkard.

Before stepping inside I did look around for cameras and I found none, in my suspended panic it only occurred to me much later that Weston had been punched very had and remained unconscious on the ground, ignored by all of us.

I feel allowed to emphasise that someone turning into a massive black wolf in front of me was very distracting and I did not mean to forget about Weston.

"How do we tie him up though?" They asked as they were busy manipulating Lowell's arms and legs into rather archaic but expensive looking thin silver chains that almost could have been small enough for some particularly chunky jewellery. 

The man indicated toward me with a head tilt.

I was roughly pushed to kneel onto the bed of the truck as the doors were shut behind us and I felt that quiet dooming feeling of... knowing that you were now in someone else's domain.

He shrugged. "Do we need to?" He sniffed the air. "Little insey wincy human..." He grinned, leaning down to brush his hand over my face and I shuddered.

I flinched away from him, astonished that another man would just touch my face like that. My skin felt like it had been scraped with sandpaper, for more than one reason now.

"Kasius, really?" He other one looked annoyed.

He laughed, a low rumble. "I can't help it. Look at how he's looking at me."

My tongue unglued in time to respond to this, my moment of being submerged fully in a sea of my own thoughts was now over and I came out of it as though bursting up through the waves only to be smacked in the face by sea foam. 

"Looking at you..." I swallowed. "In what realm of existence do you think it is appropriate to touch my face?" I barked.

He jolted back, startled, only briefly but I saw the way his eyes flickered wide and his hand pulled back sharply.

I couldn't help it, running on adrenaline I couldn't push myself to be quiet.

"Do you walk up to strangers and put your hands on them? Would that be acceptable in any setting at all?"


I continued talking, afraid my adrenaline would stop flowing if I went quiet. "I don't know what issue you have with Lowell, what dynamic or relationship there is between all of you, nothing gives you the right to knock him unconscious and drag the two of us into a van! If you're upset with him bring it up with the police! There are other methods to deal with grievances! Have you no problem solving skills? No rationality?"

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