Chapter Forty Seven

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[Bazile's POV]

Max should have been banging on my door bargaining to be let back in, but I wasn't overly concerned that he chose not to. Maybe he ran down the hallway to bang at someone else's door. Regardless the guys on security would never let him get far without at least following him.

It wasn't like I needed to watch him break down and beg, any number of things could have gotten that job done. I could have folded him under me and pinned him down, pulled him arm back until he begged, it would have been as simple as that.

Truth was the moment I caught wind of the scent I felt my blood heat up, saw him in a light that I didn't want to. Just snippets of a desire I didn't want. Disgust was almost as much a motivator as anger.

Why did the bastard need to have such a devilish fucking tongue? Why did he need to practically beg for me to hand him over to the other wolves.

Yeah I talked shit but I wasn't digging into someone's psyche trying to... trying to... well I don't know what he wanted me to do.

It would be fair to say I wouldn't know what state he would come out of the corridor from. They probably wouldn't take it that far, maybe they'd have some fun, they might try to bite him, that would be painful for him to try to heal, but it wasn't like he was about to lose his life out there... There were, what, two on security? Maybe another three tops patrolling the hallway if I timed it well, and in my anger I doubted I did. 

I kept my ear to the door, just standing close by my angry glare focussed on the back wall of my room, my chest burning as I tried to wipe every word he'd just said from my head.

But there was only some brief muffling back and forth, and then footfalls, the vibration louder than the sound, moving toward him, eventually he broke into a sprint and with a pounding heart I paused, opened the door a little way and looked out an inch, saw the hallway empty heart them racing through it round the corner.

His scent was still lingering in the air. It smelled good. To be honest, that was the first time I imagined him actually definitely at their mercy, and I wasn't sure what to think of it. He wasn't even slightly my type but inhaling that soft sweet delicious scent in the hallway my brain conjured up images, him being pinned to the ground, tripped and... I was a little fuzzy on the how.

His face was crying in my imagination, even if he looked good enough to eat.

When I reminded myself that he belonged to Lowell I felt some of the sympathy drain from me. I'd spent too long hating my brother to care for anything he cared for. Instead I just wanted him to get as far away from me as possible.

And although I'd never respected him I was surprised Lowell landed with a mate like that. I knew what I was looking at for a while, but I'd managed to convince myself maybe they weren't mates because of sheer doubt.

My brother wasn't a non dominant wolf, and he wasn't somewhere in the middle if that even existed, yet his mate behaved so unbelievably disobedient, it was as though he had no instinctive need to serve, to be submissive.

It made me a little happier knowing that Lowell would definitely not be able to get his father to approve this one, but on the other hand a new mate would only cause more trouble for me.

But no matter what my irritation didn't go away.

I felt my hackles raised for the approaching fight I knew we would have, and the strange threatening feeling I had about Lowell only gave me greater warning.

To walk off the feeling I didn't stay in my room, I took my jacket and left, heading toward the main entrance, to go for a walk, if I wanted maybe I'd transform and go for a run.

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