Chapter Forty Nine

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[Max's POV]

I slept a long time, long enough to feel my eyes were slightly puffy when I woke up the following morning desperate, initially, to use to the toilet. Every bastard dream I had was something sexually motivated and embarrassing. I'd never been so horny in my life and it felt like it was worse in my dreams.

Don't get me wrong, I was better after we sealed the deal the whole biting thing. But by better what I really meant I no longer felt like I was about to die every third second, like the heat was not just a matter of lust but of a feverish illness that was burning me up from within, like the mere brush of someone else's eyes on me made my skin crawl.

I wasn't ill but it didn't mean I wasn't still feeling a sense of that unwelcome neediness.

More than feeling embarrassed by how much I wanted him I was also stuck wondering just how much I could take before my hips gave out or something. I wasn't his age and as much as he tried to make nothing out of it, it wasn't possible for me to keep up with him, I was sure of it.

If I walked up and confessed just how much I wanted him to... I mean if I did... I just had the feeling I was going to get myself in a long night that would have no end and that I wouldn't have the presence of mind to put an end to. In his father's house. So yes, when I woke up in the morning I found myself deciding to keep my feelings to myself.

That said I didn't exactly expect the sight I saw when I turned on my side in the massive expensive bed that matched the rest of the expensive building.

There was some noise in the bathroom and the door opened, just as I looked up I saw Lowell step out.

Unaware of me watching he slowly ambled out of the room, a picture for a painting class, absolutely everything on display and looking better than ever, rivulets of water dripping down his darker skin, his slightly slanted eyes lazily looking down at his phone as he moved in slow large steps, dripping wet, a hand to hold up the towel wrapped around his hips, hanging low enough that I could see the trail of hair leading down.

I wondered if he worked out to get all of the muscle that wrapped around his arms, legs, and chest, the well defined six-pack, the biceps, even the muscle in his back and on his broad shoulders seemed visibly worked for, or possibly natural, as most of the werewolf... people, seemed to have a disproportionate amount of muscle.

I squinted at him as he rifled through his drawers, looking for an item of clothing. 

He was a definitely a specimen. Very distracting. Even from the sides every feature could draw you in. Why did he have to have such attractive lips? Was that a werewolf thing? Were all werewolves terribly good kissers? 

Lowell noticed me and I tried to look away a moment too late.

He cocked his head. "You're awake."

I looked back. "Ah, yes."

He looked me up and down, so to speak, his eyes glancing over me. "You okay?"

"Hm?" I shuffled nervously, sliding up to sit somewhat upright. "Yes, perfectly well. Good morning."

He squinted at me. "What's up, getting the urge to run?"

My face flushed darkly and I glared at him. "Why... Argh, you're never going to let that go are you."

He turned around, a light smirk on his face as he finally pulled out a shirt and socks from his top drawer. "It helps remind me when you look panicked in the morning." He glanced sideways toward me. "Or was that because I caught you checking me out."

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