Chapter Sixty Five

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My loud complaint only barely took the attention off of the rising hostility, all three of them seemed to be circling each other like tigers would, heads low, eyes trained on them, never quite touching the central point between them, the prickle of electrified aggression filling the room.

I ran in front of them, ignoring the tingling in my skin, the warning that left my hair on end and my fingers trembling slightly. "I said no!" I snapped at all three of them.

Lowell growled even louder, stepping closer to me, as if telling me to get out of the way, with possibly the use of a few more expletives.

Soon the entire house seemed to be filled with the low rumble of their mixed growls, their teeth bared every other second as the massive creatures shifted about the limited space.

Once glance at their fangs did indeed manage to make a man feel stifled, the canines alone were not just large and sharp, it was the knowledge of the power in those jaws that would probably allow them to sink their teeth into flesh as though it were warm butter.

The father, I believe, took a step forward and the sons growled in unison, louder, their heads low, their teeth bared.

"No!" I shouted suddenly, mustering the entire use of my vocal chords and chest. 

There was a beat of silence.

"You're not going to transform on my grandparents Persian style carpet that isn't due to be washed for another three years! I promised to take good care of their house! You might transform on your carpets in your home, that's all well and good, but in other people's homes..."

It wasn't like I didn't recognise how ridiculous the situation was, how naturally worrying it was, the massive beasts swaggering about with death in their eyes, it was a matter of standing ones ground for the sake of a near century old carpet.

So when their faces turned back to look at each other and the low rumble started again, the pungent feeling of anger already stifling in the room, nearly brimming with aggression, I was not going to let it go.

"All of you!" I snapped at them, filling my voice with outrage. "Either transform back and we will continue this conversation over tea and biscuits or get out, right now!" My voice got uncommonly loud toward the end, nearly booming across the room, even causing my own heart to slam a little harder in my chest.

It took me a moment longer to even realise that all eyes were on me.

But with the attention on me it took me a moment longer to realise that Jeffrey was half way to to the door, like a ghost trying to blend into the walls, I'd never seen him look so sickly as he tried to edge out of the room, but the moment the door opened the wolf I believed was Bazile swung his head around and growled.

The kind of growl that indicated someone wasn't interested in a civilised discussion, loud enough to fill the room and see Jeff stumble back in shock from the door and nearly trip backwards over the shoe rack.

Griffith turned as well, naturally also competing with Bazile's growl, and just for fun my phone started ringing.

My home phone was a little older than the usual one, though still functioning great, and its remarkable ability to ring so loudly that my grandfather, when he lived here, would complain for the next two weeks for me calling him when he was in the shower or having his breakfast.

And as the loud jangle rang out into the living room, a soundtrack to the growls and mixture of fear and anger and frustration stifling everyone, I saw Jeffrey close to cowering in the corner of the room.

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