Chapter Fifty One

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[A/N]  Nearly forgot to update on Wattpad, I've been all over the place this week  Σ( ̄0 ̄ノ)ノ!

Returning to work somehow felt more bizarre than my impromptu stay at Lowell's father's residence. Normalcy felt like a farce at this point, a strange coverup. Or perhaps the existence of Lowell's kind was in fact normal, and always had been, my two realities didn't collide easily, in fact the moment I got settled back in my office I felt strange, as though perhaps it had all been some kind of strange fever dream.

Ultimately my manager wasn't upset at me, and I could count on him for that, despite the work being pretty overwhelming, a couple would be deadlines missed on my own part, but it was alright, it was doable.

The only difference was the intern Michael had hired, and that wasn't a big one since I'd heard him discussing the open position before, first asking us if we had any candidates we thought would be suitable before he advertised for interviews, a while back now. Since the intern was working under me it ultimately created more work, but he had already been there a day.

I worked late, I figured everything out, I systematically went through everything one by one. A new problem seemed to come up every five minutes but the stress didn't quite reach me. In fact I felt pretty good. Pretty damned good.

Maybe the fever had caused me to lose weight or something, I felt like I was floating from room to room. A few strange glances passed between my colleagues as I stepped past, a slight curve to my lips.

The feeling of anticipation, to get home, it wasn't something I was particularly accustomed to.

I looked at the watch a couple times, glancing at the clock on the wall to make sure the time was still correct as it was getting late, the sun getting lower in the sky. I wasn't close to leaving at five. I was going to get in as many hours as I could before stopping by my house to make sure everything was up to standards. Lowell would move in there one day after all.

My chest felt warm with the thought, the little flush of joy made me realise exactly what I was anticipating the entire time, the reason I was working through everything so carefully, with a level of diligence I normally aspired to achieve.

I was waiting to go back. I wanted to see him again. 

"Aren't you tired?" Mathew asked me, the intern, cocking his head as he leaned back in his chair.

I shook my head. "Just finishing everything off."

He smiled at me.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Got a wife you're hurrying back to?"

I laughed and scratched my neck, collecting the three files I would ultimately need to bring with me regardless of what I managed to finish. "No particularly."

"Oh..." He smiled at me, squinting slightly.

He had blond hair and blue eyes, somewhat baby-faced even though he was pretty young already. Twenty four and not too shabby looking. I could imagine him rising up through the ranks, buying a nice suit and slicking his hair back and looking quite handsome, but appreciation was no match for attraction.

"I was thinking of heading to a bar after this, celebrate getting the internship I wanted, you in?"

I smiled but shook my head. "Didn't you get the news a while before this? And you started yesterday."

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