Chapter Seven

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No more words passed between us as I speeded away from him, my fast walk turning into a jog as I hurriedly made my way away from my place of work as fast as I could down the street, more or less running as well as I could in a suit and my expensive derby shoes. 

I could barely breath, something about the guy just stole the breath out of my lungs, and the fact that he was mad, which should have been immediately disgraceful to me, was unfortunately not as off putting as it ought to have been. Instead it left me feeling flustered and embarrassed, my heart was racing, my skin was prickling, and even though I had such a strong bizarre reaction around him I desperately wanted to turn back and face him once more...

I must have caught his crazy...

That wasn't to say I didn't know he was following me. I didn't hear it or see it but I knew it and I was struggling to even be scared of it, if anything it made running off feel easier.

Because I knew he would follow.

My head was full of curses being shouted back between myself. Just a long string of obscene words I would never say out loud conveying the flurry of nervousness I struggled against as I was walking fast away.

My home was close enough, my thighs ached as I marched back, this wasn't a part of my daily exercise routine. Worse was that the original heat I was experiencing was returning fast and now with added symptoms.

I wanted to look behind me, be sure that he was there. Fuck if I didn't want to feel him wrap me up from behind and hold me tight.

Damn. Damn...

I closed my eyes briefly, almost walking into a lamppost. My skin was prickling. I turned the corner, crossed the bridge, turned another corner. Steadily it got worse and worse, I felt weak with nervous desire. Now that I had seen him, reminded myself of his scent and the way he looked and just how I felt around him.

It was illogical. I was getting swept up in that kids feelings. And that was what he was, a kid, still technically a teenager. Oh god, I was embarrassed to have slept with him and worse that I wanted to do it again, and more.

When I was finally able to enter the housing area I knew he would have to stay behind, whether he was following me or not, this was a residents only area.

I struggled with the overwhelming desire to stay still at the number pad but I ignored it and pushed through.

Finding myself outside my house door was a relief that was short lived.

It was hard to pretend my 'heat' was just that. It came with additional sparks that were the main reason for my nervousness and for my humiliation as I approached the door. I was shaking, my hand trembling as I tried to fit my key into the lock.

I felt him step up behind me before he said anything. It was beyond me now why he gave off such a reassuring vibe, perhaps that was how all psychopaths lured their victims in.

I took a deep breath, clenching my hand, trying to steady it against the door, my face was hot, every inch of me felt awkward and sensitised.

"You need some help with that?" He rumbled behind me, directly behind me.

I inhaled sharply, moving towards the door so that I was almost pressed up against it to which he immediately moved up behind me.

I could feel him just about grazing me, I wanted more than anything to lean back, it was torture standing still.

"No..." I whispered.

I tried but no luck, my hands were useless.

"Give it here." He spoke against my ear, and intentional or not I shivered, trying to pretending all of my brain wasn't focussing on the tingling sensation it caused or the way his voice sounded.

The Sensible One (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now