Chapter Sixty Three

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[A/N] I missed two chapters, including the last one, that makes it three!  So I was planning on writing three chapters, but I was supposed to leave an hour ago and I haven't finished the third one, so I'm going to put out these two chapters for now!   Enjoy  ₍ ᐢ..ᐢ₎  ♡

I changed clothes as quickly as possible. Initially I was going to put on pyjamas, since that seemed most sensible, but I realised Lowell might find that suspicious since I'd just told him I would go back for Jeff and had no valid reason to suddenly change my mind, so I chose more casual clothing.

While I was picking out a shirt I realised how I could possibly take care of Jeff, at least for the time being, without getting caught.

I grabbed a towel and got some clothes from my drawers before walking very slowly into the other room, hoping my footsteps were as quiet to him as they were to me. 

"Jeff?" I asked him.

He peeked from under the bed.

I helped him get up and handed him the towel which he accepted, puzzled. "What should I do with this?" He spoke under his breath.

"Try to wash as quietly as possible, that should help hide your scent, right?"

He frowned as though he wasn't sure. "I don't know how it works."

"I mean even if they can smell things better scent still must function the same way it does for us. And this-" I handed him the pyjamas. "You can put on some of my clothes afterwards, that should help."

He accepted them slowly, staring at me in the low light, swallowing after a moment. "...Max, thank you."

"Of course." I whispered back to him. I stood there for a moment longer though, watching him examine the clothing, there was a tense, morose expression on his face, still panicked and scared. I'd never seen Jeff that way before, but then again I'd learned a lot about him in a matter of days.

"Jeff," I spoke cautiously. "Whatever decision you make, I'll support you." 

He nodded thankfully. "You're a good friend."

"No," I frowned. "I mean... Don't see me helping you as, necessarily, me agreeing with your decision."

He blinked wide. "Max-"

"No, no, I don't disagree either," I exclaimed in a hushed whisper. "I don't know what I would do in your position. But frankly I would rather think a good thorough discussion of the topic over dinner might suit you better."

"Max..." He sounded exhausted. "You don't understand, werewolves aren't going to just sit down and-"

"I know, I know." I waved my hand. "I understand."


"I just worry there's no natural way out of this situation..." I mumbled.

He nodded slowly, then more decidedly, rubbing his eyes. "I've considered that. I'll stay with someone, I haven't visited them in a long time, and there's no reason not to given being self employed."


"America, they live in Nevada."

I blinked slowly, taking a moment to digest that. "That's... very far away..."

He nodded lightly, watching me, playing with the wrist strap of his watch.

I nodded slowly. "Okay... You knew someone in Nevada? I never realised you had friends abroad, aside from Italy, naturally." He'd spent four months there teaching after all.

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