Chapter Thirty Seven

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[Griffith's POV]

"Alpha, your son refuses to let the other man stay in a different room." Gore reported back quietly from  the entrance way to my office.

I frowned, folding my hands on my knee. "There is something more to that man then."

"I might do the same for a friend." The pack member behind Gore spoke with a shrug.

I scoffed. "Ridiculous. The way he reacted when we put the man in a chokehold... he submitted in a second, he'd never have let me land that blow otherwise."

"Could he be his mate then?"  Gore wondered quietly.

"Not possible." I snapped. "Lowell would never choose a man, I may not have chosen him over a confirmed alpha but I was well aware of his preferences for women."

"Sometimes they say a mating can change your preference." He answered, stroking the stubble on his chin.

I observed him quietly. It wasn't a far-fetched suggestion, it was just irritating. "Well... if that turns out to be the case we'll have to kill him. Clearly Lowell didn't want him that badly if he's known the man for some time and not marked him."

"It's not possible..."  Kasius folded his arms, leaning in from the doorway. "If they knew each other a while then how come he doesn't have any kind of scent on him? He should smell real good right about now."

I glanced at Kasius with some disgust.

"Perhaps we should kill him just in case." I waved my hand. "Lowell needs to mate back into the pack before it's too late... If he is his mate... perhaps Lowell refused to mate because of the odd lack of submissiveness. I could never accept such a rebellious little brat as his mate. Regardless of being his mate he ought to have reacted better when I closed in on him. He has a sharp tongue to him too."

"There is something odd about him."

I nodded. "We'll have to test it in the future. Assert dominance, watch his reaction carefully. Bottom line, we'll need to kill him if he's his mate." 

"Do you think that's wise?"

"It's necessary. Lowell needs a link to the pack in order to stay. He'll get over it if they haven't mated in the first place."

He nodded slowly "I suppose we could make it look like an accident, comfort him..."

I nodded but held my hand up to stop him from leaving. "Don't do anything yet. The man is my leverage into keeping my son here. You know as well as me if he put up a proper fight he would be a very difficult character to reign in. This "Max" person will serve well as a bartering chip, he may leave but Max will stay."

"You are wise, Alpha." He bowed his head.

"Oh and keep Bazile away from them." I ordered, glancing into the hallway.

"Yes Alpha."

He began moving away.

"Gore go with Kasius, he nearly broke those silver cuffs today, take them off him before he realises he can."

"Yes Alpha." They both bowed in unison before leaving.

[Lowell's POV]

I exhaled as we were finally left alone, the door locked behind us as we were finally shoved inside.

I sat down on the bed and covered my face with my hands, tense and annoyed, wrists stinging from the silver.

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