Chapter Twenty Six

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[Lowell's POV]

I was sitting at the table with Max frying up eggs and sausages with the ease and comfort of someone that lived in this warm quiet home all his life. 

It was cosy, kind of just nice, felt expensive but also a bit run down in places, carefully looked after but old.

He moved around like a fairy, not meant in the homophobic sense I swear, just kinda elegant, like he was floating from one end to the other around the kitchen.

And suddenly I was at a loss, my beautiful mate was cooking me breakfast and I was still dazed from a good nights sleep. The décor in this house made me feel comfortable, like it was a good hiding spot from what I was used to. 

Comfortable. Safe? 

Something consistently anxious in me seemed like it settled around him without me noticing at all and now I wasn't excited about the prospect of leaving. But I needed to go, I realised my phone was dead and needed to get my phone charger from the hostel I was staying in.  

But then I imagined him naked beneath me, fingers flexed in pleasure, neck extended, the previous nights words 'bite me' still buried in my brain, unwilling to leave. 

I watched him helplessly as he plated up breakfast for me and placed it in front of me. 

Slim and gentle looking, clearly masculine, but even red lips and a perfect nose and clear eyes. The only sign of aging was the extra lines on his eyelids, and instead of making him look older it made him look sexier than anyone else I'd ever met. 

He sat down in front of me and smiled slightly as he started eating. "Eat." He ordered. "I need to go to work soon."

Would I be able to make a home look as nice as this? With all it's accumulated wares and careful cleanliness and somehow not over the top, but authoritatively implemented organisation.

I eyed him down, trying to burn my eyes into his brain to try to predict what he might be thinking. "What if I wanted to come back tonight?"

He started and he swallowed as he looked up at me. 

His eyes examined me with a softening look and he seemed a little flushed as he took a sip of water. "By all means, if you wish to." He mumbled.

"I'll need to get past the gate..." I hummed, putting a fork in the eggs. 

"Ah..."  He coughed. "Well, I suppose I can give you a key... to use for now..."

He rifled around his pocket and produced a key. "You can... You can use it for the front gate as well." He averted his eyes as he handed it over and I felt the cheap metal over like it was an award in my hand. 

"Thanks." I grinned.

He stuffed a mouthful of food in his mouth and avoided looking at me, pulling from the side the days newspaper.

He looked sweet. And while he was probably examining an article on the housing market getting more expensive he had no idea the wolf opposite him was examining his neck, trying to picture exactly where best to sink his fangs in and mark him, and in what position, at what point. Would it feel better to be fucking him while I was biting him? Would he clamp down on me our of pleasure or pain? 

I took a deep breath as he was about to bring his plate back to the sink. "We need to talk." I reached out and caught his free wrist.

He looked back at me with wide eyes. "Really?" He laughed uncomfortably. "Normally the order goes, date first, then break up."

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