Chapter Forty Five

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I couldn't move, I was exhausted, melting into him where he took up most of the mattress laying flat, and I laid on top of him, my head on his chest, still lost for breath, reeling in the strange sense of euphoria that was stuck to us.

I brushed my face over his chest, moving a little higher up so that my feet wouldn't be over the edge of the bed, inching like a slug, the tickle of happiness brushing over me with every movement.

Content, but so very content. It wasn't a feeling I had ever before imagined in excess, but I felt like my heart would explode from contentment any second.

 Meeting his height on the bed I brushed my forehead against the rough skin of his chin, my hand on his chest, feeling the dramatic rise and fall.

His eyes glimmered as he looked down at me.

I smiled at him.

Thought if I said anything my voice would break.

It occurred to me briefly, after being bitten and having bitten him too, that we must have been swallowed in the kind of madness that rarely releases fools.

Nothing made sense, yet everything did. I didn't care about the werewolf tosh, it was all just white noise, it felt like it would never impact us regardless.

I was his and he was mine, and I'd never felt so completely certain of that before.

I continued playing with his chest.

"I love you." I told him easily.

He looked down, gaze flickering toward the mark on my neck, and his eyes glimmered. "Best birthday ever." 

I blinked slowly.

Then I shot up. "Your birthday?" I asked.

He started laughing.


He continued laughing.

I pushed his arm. "Lowell, I'm so sorry-"

He laughed louder.

I knitted my brows. "Lowell."

"You didn't need to remember, don't give a shit about it at all."

"I do." I growled. "We could have done something."

"Like what?" He seemed genuinely curious.

"You know, things you normally do on your birthday. What did you like to do?"

He stared at me for a moment, then the ceiling.

I waited for him to say something but nearly a minute passed and he was just quiet.

I poked his chest lightly. "Hey." I frowned. "Are you awake?"

"My eyes are open." He raised an eyebrow.

"Some people sleep like that..."

"Who-" He frowned at the ceiling. "Never mind... I really don't know."

"You don't do anything?"

"I guess not. My brother's birthday is five days after mine. The alpha's birthday is a big deal, not just for the alpha but for the whole pack. It's pretty sweet, everyone gets permission to get pissfaced drunk and dance and there's food and drug- uhh, yeah... So everyone was looking forward to it. I was too. My birthday was alright, I got some well wishes and his birthday to look forward to."

I raised an eyebrow. "Drugs. What?"

"A little." He frowned, running a hand along my arm uneasily, trying to distract me.

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