Chapter Ten

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I didn't know what experience Lowell had but I was frozen between blessing and cursing it. He seemed so natural, and simultaneously so clumsy and rough, yet everything he gave me felt like it was designed to burn me up inside and make a fool of myself.

I told him he was going too fast, too rough, but then again I wasn't sure I meant it. It should have bruised me, hurt me, the way he roughly took hold of me and impaled me, driving his cock inside so fast I didn't have a chance to pause for a breath of air. And yet I could not nothing beneath him but tremble and cry out, my hands on his arms, back, neck, trying to find some kind of reign that would allow me to regain control.

I wasn't capable of rational thought, I wanted him too much. The entire act should have been an act of violence with how rough it must have looked but he knew what he was doing, somehow knew exactly how much I could take, I could see him holding back something, knew he didn't want to hurt me, couldn't somehow.

I wasn't sure I'd ever trusted someone I barely knew so much before.

"S- Slow... Slow down..." I managed to get out, and for the next ten seconds he would slow down just enough that I could feel every inch of him, every bit of him, and could barely breath, and then he lost patience and returned to the pace that had me screaming beneath him. "Ahh, wait... wait a m- ahhh..." My face was burning, my mouth open, eyes shut. I was a trembling mess.

"You know it..." He growled into my ear. "Every fucking square inch of you, every damn bit of it, belongs to me."

"Lowell..." I hissed.

"You wanna try running away from me again?" He asked, it sounded like a threat but the voice he used nearly made me climax then and there.

"I don't... I wasn't..." I didn't know what to say, what was the correct response? I wasn't sure I had the ability to keep up with any kind of conversation while I was getting fucked into my mattress.

He kissed my neck lightly, then pressed his teeth up against it and I shivered, they felt impossibly sharp. "You still wanna get rid of me?" He dragged them across my neck and I almost came, my breathing harsh.

"No..." I moaned.

He drew back and then impaled me so hard I saw stars, too intense, too intense to breathe.

"Oh god..."

"You're mine..." He growled, not growled as in used a low voice, growled as in his voice performed an actual growl as he said it.

My heart racing I looked up at him and thought for a moment that this must have been some bizarre wet dream, it would have been my first, and for a second I thought I had to remember that image, so that I would not forget the dream.

"Say it." He hissed, glaring down at me with bright eyes.

I couldn't think. I gritted my teeth, closing my eyes. "I don't-"

"Say it." He repeated, more forcefully this time, slowing down and pulling back further, enough that I thought he might be threatening to pull out.

I groaned. "I don't know what you want me to say..." I whispered. But that was a lie, and a bad one.

"Tell me who you belong to." He replied.

I paused a moment, then shut my eyes, my hands on his biceps. I could feel where I accidentally scratched him, didn't want to pull my hands away in case that was all there was keeping him from pulling away.

It was a crazy thing to say to someone you didn't know, but if I even challenged it for a minute I came back with the same answer. If I asked myself, deep down, what I wanted to say, what I wanted to do...

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