Chapter Forty Four

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This was the closest I'd ever come to the feeling of being on drugs, I imagine, I felt the madness of it, the scent on his skin, the feeling of him weighing down on me, fingers digging into my wrists, the taste of his lips. Everything sizzled through me like I was high, I felt my sanity fracture under his rough fingers, competed with him but barely managed to keep up, to distracted by everything.

Lowell wasn't his normal self either, his kisses stung and continued until I was gasping for breath, the added roughness likely to leave small bruises behind but the slight twinge of pain didn't do anything other than drown me even further in lust.

I wasn't focussing properly. Too confused by every sensation, too busy trying to get him to release my hands so that I could touch everything I saw. But when I finally looked at him I realised there was a darkness in his eyes. Wild look.

We didn't seemed to catch a moment to breathe, the room spinning fast, his fingers messing with every inch of me regardless of whether I had the capacity for foreplay at this point. For once I was struggling to hold on while he prepared me. Pulling from his back pocket, before shucking the last of his clothes, the packet of lubricant I would question him about later.

I felt like urging him to forgo the preparation, something no one in their right mind would do, but I felt that touch of madness, every touch felt like a tease that would come without relief. And in turn I looked up and saw the look in his eyes, saw it, if possible, grow darker and more out of control, and I felt as though with every continued touch I was bating the wold to tear me apart.

The moment he first thrust inside I was already dying from overstimulation, so that I thought nothing could affect me any longer, but suddenly I was drowning it it, the fire that roared between us twice its size, I flailed briefly with my arms before grabbing onto him. 

Pleasure soaked into my skin, he moved inside slowly the second time, enough to drawn from my a low moan, but he continued, pulled nearly fully out, then sank back inside so slowly that it might just be termed torture.

I looked up at him with my face burning, my brows scrunched up, mouth open.

Slow did not decrease the pleasure, just decelerated the speed of it, so that drowning as it was, I suddenly felt as though I might be in danger of have this terrible impossible need drawn out beyond what my mind could handle. 

"Faster..." I barely whispered.

His eyes caught mine, he narrowed them.

I frowned at him, wrapping my legs around his waist I tried to pull them tight, to pull him against me, but to no use. 

I wasn't sure but it seemed as though he got slower too. I felt like crying. "Lowell." I tried to snap at him, but all edge to my voice was lost as the name wavered on my lips.

I saw his eyes flicker up from the bottom of my navel to my collar bone and back down.

"Tell me... what happened." He demanded in a low rough voice, just as he slid inside with one long thrust that drew a long breath from me as I shivered in pleasure.

I blinked slowly as I heard the words slowly register in my head. "What?"

"Did you escape? What did my brother do?" He asked, his voice sounded dangerous. "Why were you shirtless?" He thrust back inside.

A shiver of pleasure that bit into my groin, I groaned and hugged my sides in shock as he moved further away so that I couldn't continue to hold onto him. "Why-" I swallowed, my confusion competing with my need to say something more obscene. 

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