Chapter Fifty Two

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Breakfast the following day was about as uncomfortable as one would expect.

I learned as I stayed there just who was living in the building, near us, near Lowell's room, there were a few unoccupied rooms, and other relatives old or young plus other pack members that could freely enter and have dinner together if it seemed acceptable somehow.

In a further extended wing a large number of pack families lived, and while older people usually had homes off here and there, their children, especially young adult males and females, if they so chose, apparently, moved in to what they called a training block. 

The training block was apparently similar to university accommodation and they had rooms there while they were trained to defend their pack, a four year course that sounded exhausting and complicated, and it explained the wolves, I realised once I was able to leave the compound, running together in two groups around the edges of the place, weaving in and out through the trees.

Lowell never stayed there, he informed with a surprising level of annoyance, he was always situated in the main family building. Bazile had stayed there for about a year before returning to his room and completing his training from there. The fact that Bazile had completed this training and Lowell hadn't made me wonder if Lowell had absolutely any fear that he might be the lesser-than in this odd relationship they had.

Because if I was looking at things purely from an outsiders point of view, Bazile always seemed suspiciously desperate to grab Lowell's attention and prove himself.

I sat there thinking about it to myself as I ate, I seemed to have an endless appetite recently, all the excitement I suppose, I wasn't sure where the food was even going.

Bazile imitated his father. But Griffith seemed to prefer Lowell, because he saw himself in Lowell? I frowned, disliking that idea. But Bazile seemed to want to impress Lowell, because he saw his father in Lowell?

I furrowed my brows. Apparently the ghost of Freud was circling me, whispering in my ear.

I tried to ignore it by eating, before realising people were staring at me.

"Pass the salt." Bazile demanded slowly.

I looked at him, and looked around at everyone, some were staring, some weren't, there was active conversation going on. Griffith wasn't sitting at the table, he was nearby somewhere in the hall talking to another family member of Lowell's and a few others. Seeing my opportunity to act normal for a moment I took it.

"'Please.'" I snapped back at him. "An adverb, used as a term of politeness in a request or question."

"Excuse me?" He cocked his head, the people sitting near him cringed a little bit and looked down at their food.

"You're not young enough to not know how to ask nicely." I glared at him.

He pursed his lips, turned a little pink and looked affronted, his shoulders tensing, glaring at me from his seat.

"You might think you're fucking old but you're not in charge here." Here glared me. "If anyone's the little brother here it's you."

"Be quiet." Lowell snapped, his voice shutting just about everyone in the room up for a minute as he directed the order toward his brother who, clearly to his own dismay, did actually go quiet for a moment.

Lowell rolled his eyes, putting resting his head on his hand as he looked at me. I raised an eyebrow and he didn't interfere. "You'd better stop when my Griffith quits talking to my uncle." He spoke casually, his voice low.

I frowned, not liking the idea of having to bow to Bazile at any moment, but agreed non verbally.

Bazile inhaled slowly through his nose, his eyes narrowed.

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