Chapter Eleven

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[A/N] Chapter is a little late, got a spot of tonsillitis at the moment. Guess whose nose does a better job of being a tap then their kitchen faucet? I'll give you a hint. They're chubby and blue...

[Lowell's POV]

My brain wasn't working correctly around him, all I could think was that I wanted more of him right now, then and there. That must have been why I just listened to everything he said without thinking about it, why I was running around doing what he wanted all the time. It was driving me nuts.

Was there anything him that resembled an alpha? No, if anything the way that he spoke and phrased things I felt more entuned to protect him, and yet I listened to him all the time, now what was that about?

I gritted my teeth as I left downstairs, my underpants upstairs because fuck if I was going to dress up in more than my sweatpants for this dickhead of a friend, whatever his name was.

I was sporting an unhappy glare when I opened the door and he seemed shocked to see me there, which in turn pissed me off even more.

"He's busy. Goodbye."

He stopped the door, stepping in between the door and the frame. That took some guts, but then again he didn't know I had the strength to slam it so hard his leg would come clean off.

I folded my arms. Max said to be nice.

"I need to get my things..." He spoke carefully, stepping inside like he was expecting the twins from The Shining to be hanging out in his living room.

"Go on then." I said, maintaining my scowl.

Every second I was down here was another second I wasn't up there fucking him.

Ah, shit. I needed more condoms, he wouldn't let me go again otherwise. Somehow, in the middle of heat, with all the hormones out of wack, he still had the presence of mind to worry about that.

And honestly, thinking about it rationally, I wasn't completely annoyed by that, he seemed to have had sex before, he couldn't know that I hadn't, nor could he know that I was a werewolf who couldn't catch, or at least wasn't affected by human diseases. (Studies vary on whether werewolves might be able to pass them on or not regardless.)

Then again, I needed some more ASAP, it was that or explaining to Max just how fury my chest was on full moon and from his reaction when I tested him a little I didn't get the impression he would be crazy understanding about it.

So as Jeff was moving through the living room, collecting his laptop from where it was neatly tucked in the compartment below the coffee table, still plugged in, and a thin blue file with post-it notes attached, I followed him.


He looked startled as he was arranging his items in his bag. "Ah, yes?" Worried, and nervous. He was uncomfortable being alone with me. I guess that was the normal reaction with a man twice your size in muscle mass looking pissed off.

"You got condoms?" I asked.

His eyes went wide.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes or no."

He shook his head. "No. I'm asexual."

"I don't know what that means." I shrugged, edging back to the door. But after I asked the question I realised with relief that even if Max was naïve as shit this wasn't a guy planning a sweet night with him, or if he was he was doing a shit job of it.

The Sensible One (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now