Chapter Eight

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The minute his shoes were off and messily stowed away on my shoe rack he rose back up to his full height and looked down at me with a glare. It would have been far more sensible for him to glare at me in such a way so as not too look so aggravatingly attractive but as it was it was I almost felt more intimidated by how attractive he was than the dark look he was giving me.

"Who is he." He demanded as I attempted to side step him to get myself out from the corner.

My face was burning, not just from the knowledge that Jeff was now privy to the information that I had had a one night stand with a stranger, and someone far younger than me, but also because the longer I spent around him the more the prickle of electricity that seemed to hang in the air between us appeared to affect me. It was getting hard to breath around him. 

He stepped closer, towering over me. "Answer me."

"A friend." I replied through gritted teeth, subconsciously fanning myself lightly with my hand. 

"If he's just a friend why's he living with you? Why is out shopping for the two of you?" He genuinely looked outraged, and maybe he was upset by the idea that I had cheated on my partner.

It felt different, it felt possessive, and I should have been worried about it, instead I had this impossibly dangerous feeling that I was safe around him, that I somehow knew him better than to cross any boundaries.

I did not know him though, it was my brain playing tricks on me. However perhaps this odd feeling of overfamiliarity was something he was trying to get over too. Either way, though, it was unacceptable behaviour.

"He stayed last night because I was ill, he took care of me. That was all. I have no reason to be explaining this to you." I was sharp, outraged but not loud.

"You were ill?" He asked then, scrunching up his brows. "I should have been the one there for you." He growled.

"We are not dating!"

"You're mine." He hissed, leaning closer.

I took a deep breath, straightening my posture as I looked up at him. "You have no right to follow me around like this, how did you even follow me here? This is a gated community!"

He glared at me, taking another step closer. He was warm, I needed to get around him before I did something stupid. "I noticed the gate when I climbed over it."

"Oh for goodness sake." I rolled my eyes, not entirely sure what I was expecting from him. "Do I really need to explain to you how the law works?" I pointed at the door. "Leave."

"Are you still ill?" He changed the subject, but he looked genuinely distracted.

I frowned and shrugged uncomfortably, still struggling to hide just how badly I was burning up, the closer he got the worse it was, he was so warm, somehow that warmth must have been affecting me and worst of all that familiar scent just reaching out to me was intoxicating, I wanted nothing more than to move closer.

"You're ill..." He repeated slowly. "Fever?" He asked, eyes suddenly pinning me down, serious and thoughtful.

I nodded slowly.

"Since when?"

I swallowed. "It's too complicated to explain, I don't think you should stay... I'm sorry for not saying anything before leaving. I'm really not the type to sleep around like that, I'm unfamiliar with it and I don't know... I don't know what possessed me to."

His eyes flashed, he leaned in and pressed his hand against my forehead. "You're burning up." He whispered.

It felt as though there were little sparks when his hand made contact, even though I braced for that uncomfortable feeling, instead his hand felt good against my skin, relieving almost, so much so that no matter how inappropriate this was I found myself tongue tied and frozen.

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