Chapter Twenty Nine

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[Reed's POV]

I could tell my mate was searching for me. The minute she got back, regardless of when I normally get back home, she probably got the sense I was missing. Neither of us could talk to each other the way a more powerful wolf could but there was a definite something feeling-wise. In fact the moment I got dragged out of our apartment I was pretty sure she sensed it.

Even so it pissed me the fuck off that I couldn't contact her. I needed to explain this. She would be searching for me. Unless she knew something I didn't there was no way she'd know to search here.

I wasn't totally sure they wanted Lowell to come of his own free will anymore, either that or they assumed Lowell just wouldn't.

The way they hung around me made me feel like I was some kinda piece of steak they were hanging out in the sun to drag the wolves down into the pit. I wasn't sure how that would work though. Lowell and I were just friends, did the big guy think we were more than that? I had a mate after all... 

When I was finally allowed out of my hand restraints I stretched for about ten minutes trying to get the awkward tension unlocked from my muscles, when my eye was drawn to the phone in the Kasius's back pocket.

A smartphone, it was just about peaking out the top, just once I saw him pull it out, swipe and it opened. No password.

I glanced at it once more, sitting down on my bed slowly.

The anxiety was growing, not just from me, probably also from Kat. I wasn't keen on breaking my record of time being away from her. The distance was gnawing at me. As well Lowell's father knew. 

At this point I wasn't sure where my loyalties lay, if I had to out Lowell to get away from here, to get back to my mate... the least he deserved was a warning...

[Lowell's POV]

"So what did you study in university?" Weston asked me, calmly, a certain smile in his eyes.

Max looked annoyed and focussed his glare on the candle in the centre of the table, while his friends glanced at me with some interest.

"Nothing." I replied. "I haven't been to uni yet."

The topic of education always bugged me. There wasn't much expectation to go to university as a werewolf, but there was a small fund for it that you'd get if you were definitely using your degree to help the pack. Well they never said that outright but it was pretty obvious.

I didn't bother considering it because with all the duties I'd had at the time university seemed impossible, now with the money I have and the unlikeliness of being able to find a job that would leave any money left over it seemed even more so.

Did I even want to go? I didn't really have time to figure that out. Even secondary school was filled with me working my ass off for my father, doing all the shit my brother was supposed to be out doing.

Was it fun being the only werewolf on campus. I'd been raised in a mansion teaming with them and being thrown out of that had been jarring enough. I'd probably hate it anyway.

"Oh I see." He nodded slowly.

Maxwell glanced up at me and then down at his fingers, then at everyone else. "Well, I was going to-"

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