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"You have to tell me all about your new man." Taeyong gushes as he sits on Jeno's bed waiting to cuddle his baby brother. Jeno just got out of the shower and can't help but laugh.
He isn't shy about changing in front of Taeyong so he whips off his towel and starts dressing. Taeyong chuckles as he watches his hair flop in his eyes after drying it with a towel. Jeno giggles too before curling into Taeyong's side.
"He's not my man, don't say things like that. I've only known him a day." He sighs and Taeyong kisses the top of his head.
"He's smitten, and he's so cute!" Jeno smiles and chuckles.
"He is, he is cute and clumsy one minute and sexy and breathtaking the next. It's like he has a split personality." Jeno sighs and Taeyong just smiles and hums.
"Well, no matter what he is to you, I think he is great and you should let him in. He seems genuine and you need to learn to trust somewhere." Jeno sighs and hugs Taeyong.
"I know, I'm really trying not to be suspicious of everyone's intentions but I'm still skeptical, you know?" Taeyong nods and squeezes Jeno hard.
"You have been through a lot in your life already and my wish for you is that you find people who will love you for you, so as much as I want you to trust I also don't want you to settle. You deserve the best." Jeno smiles and hugs him.
"Goodnight Taeyong, I love you." Taeyong stands to leave ushering the other under his blankets so he can tuck him in. Jeno smiles at the warm feeling it provides.
"I love you baby bro. Goodnight." He kisses his head and walks out. This has been their tradition since their parents left. When Jeno was having a hard time coping Taeyong stepped in and did things that their parents never did for them. Starting new traditions so it was easier to cope without them.
Jeno lays in bed this night focusing on his new feelings. He gets these little tingles in his belly whenever Jaemin's voice is heard so now he's not sure if he's happy he talked to him or not. He feels his belly flutter again when he relives the day and finally allows himself to enjoy it. He smiles to himself, hiding under the blankets in case Taeyong were to walk in. He's made friends who seem really genuine and nice and then there is Jaemin who makes him feel things he's never wanted to feel before. It takes him a long time to settle down enough to fall asleep.

When he wakes the next morning it's to Taeyong banging at his door.
"You are going to be late Jeno" he groggily looks at the clock and groans. He rolls out of bed feeling a sense of urgency, he can't be late on his second day. He hurriedly throws on his uniform and combs his hair before applying his makeup. He went with a pale pink eye shadow a thin black liner and pale pink lips. He used just a little pink on his cheeks before heading down for breakfast.
"Oh, you look so cute today!" Taeyong squeals. Jeno thanks him while rolling his eyes.
"You say that everyday." He chuckles as he sits down.
"And I mean it every day, Jae tell him. He looks cute doesn't he?" Jaehyun looks over and smiles softly. "Very pretty." Taeyong humphs and kisses Jaehyun for getting it right. Jeno just smiles and eats his food. He's feeling nervous, not as bad as yesterday. Today it's for a whole new reason. Now Jaemin is affecting him and he's not sure yet if it's in a good way.

After walking in the school he is met with Mark standing by the doors almost as if he was waiting for him.
"Hi." He says softly as Jeno walks up.
"You look nice today." Mark says making Jeno feel a little shy.
"Thank you." He quietly says back to him.
"So uh I was thinking maybe tonight you could tutor me?" Jeno smiles brightly and nods.
"Of course I can, let's meet at the library after school?" Jeno questions making Mark nod happily. Haechan walks up just in time to see the exchange and doesn't like it one bit but he tries not to let it affect how he feels for Jeno.
"Wow your face is so perfect today, you look so pretty. You should put makeup on me some time." Both Jeno and Mark are surprised by this but don't question it.
"Sure, I'd love to." Jeno says with a smile but as he looks up from Haechan's face he catches a glimpse of Jaemin walking their way and almost loses his breath. He's not sure what it is about him, because everyone wears the same uniform but he exudes such confidence that it makes his heart beat fast. As soon as Jaemin reaches them his focus only goes to Jeno.
"You're beautiful." He says softly as he hooks his pinky with Jeno's making him blush like never before.
"I'll walk you to class?" He asks gently, Jeno nods with a shy smile and says his goodbyes to the others. Haechan is quite surprised by this development considering yesterday Jaemin couldn't even speak, he shrugs and grabs Mark's hand and pulls him toward their class. He knows he will have to talk to Jaemin later.
When they get to their class Jaemin keeps their pinkies linked until they have to go to their own desks. He waits until Jeno is seated then sits next to him.
"That's not your seat." Jeno says while looking around. Jaemin chuckles and points to the corner of the room where his seat was previously. Jeno sees someone sitting there so he looks to Jaemin for explanation.
"I hope you don't mind that I asked him to switch with me? I thought maybe you would like a friend to sit next to." Jaemin says softly as Jeno smiles equally as soft.
"I don't mind." He fidgets a little with his fingers trying to think of something to spark up a conversation but is struggling. He's not used to having people to talk to in school, his previous one was not a good place for him. He is sitting there just staring at his fingers as he plays with them in a complete daze.
"Jeno." Jaemin singalongs trying to get his attention, he isn't successful until his places his hand on the others.
"Sorry, just uh, day dreaming." His cheeks turn a deep shade of red and Jaemin thinks it's the cutest thing.
"I was trying to tell you that I told my parents all about you and they can't wait to meet you." Jeno frowns.
"Y-you told them everything?" Jaemin smiles softly and touches his hand again.
"Yes, well I mean I told them what I know anyway. I said you have a loving and supportive family and that when I saw you I was instantly head over heels." Jeno's face burns again and if this keeps up he will set some sort of world record for blushing.
"I said you are sweet and kind, you have the prettiest blush." He chuckles again as Jeno covers his cheeks with his hands.
"At this point they told me to shut up and let them meet you because I was you know, rambling again." Jeno giggles cutely and smiles at Jaemin making his heart burst.
Just as Jaemin was about to say something about his pretty smile their teacher had to come in and ruin the moment.
For Jeno his first period class should be the easiest and most fun since Jaemin is with him and it's English but for some reason he feels unsafe. The kids are mostly nice but his teacher is hard to read, not the friendliest person and who knows? It could be the way he dresses or maybe he doesn't like people in general but he doesn't like the vibe he gives off. He will just have to work extra hard to get good grades to prove to him that he can do it.

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