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Hi, thank you to those of you who are reading this. I appreciate all of you! I would love some feedback, do you love it? Hate it? Is it just ok? Anyway, have a beautiful day!

When Jaemin arrives at Jeno's in the morning to go to school with him he's feeling very disappointed again. Taeyong says hello as he walks out the door.
"Jeno isn't here, and I'm sure he's not going to school today." Jaemin pouts.
"Where is he? Is he ok?" Taeyong smiles softly.
"He's fine, he's with Renjun. I'm sure since you are his boyfriend that he will explain if you call." Jaemin smiles brightly, liking that he called him that.
"Yeah, I will, thanks." He walks to the bus stop alone calling Jeno who isn't picking up at the moment but figures he will call when he's ready. He sends him a sweet text too.
When he walks into school he's almost knocked over by an excited Haechan who's dragging around Mark with a big dopey grin.
"Guess what?" He says excitedly, Jaemin tries to think but Haechan doesn't give him a chance to actually guess.
"Ive got a boyfriend." He says cutely and Mark can only shake his head. Jaemin looks at the two and smiles softly.
"That's great guys, I've got a boyfriend too." Haechan hugs him.
"Oh my god this is so cool. What time and what day did you ask him? Maybe we did it at the same time and that means we will all be together forever." Jaemin rolls his eyes.
"Now who's on crack?" He asks dryly.
"Sorry, I'm just so happy." He says as he stares at Mark before leaning in and kissing him softly. Jaemin clears his throat.
"Ok well I'm going to go say hi to the others." He says walking to Chenle and Jisung on the bench.
"Hey, so has he been this way all morning?" Jaemin asks eyeing the two smiling dumbly at each other.
Chenle scoffs.
"He has pretty much accosted every person who walks through the door." Jaemin giggles and watches as they walk toward him.

Jeno finally picks up his phone to see the sweet message from his boyfriend and tears up again.

Jaemin: hi beautiful, I missed you this morning. I hope you are feeling good? I can't wait to see your face and kiss your lips.
Jeno is fighting between a blush and tears at the moment.
"What's wrong?" Renjun asks solemnly, knowing Jeno has too much weighing on his heart.
"I didn't tell you yet, Jaemin asked me to be his boyfriend and I said yes." Renjun smiles softly.
"I'm j-just scared that he will think I'm a dirty horrible person for lying and like I'm a cheater. But I'm selfish and need his comfort, I like him so much. I'm so attached that I don't want to lose that but I'm afraid I will lose it eventually just because I'm gross." He buries his face in his hands and Renjun sighs while taking his hand.
"Jeno, that boy is head over heels for you. When the time comes for him to know he will understand why you couldn't tell him." He squeezes his hand to get Jeno to look him in the eyes.
"Never, ever call yourself dirty again. You are a sweet, gentle, honest person who's been put in a horrible position and you are surviving. You are brave and strong." Jeno nods and smiles a bit.
"Thank you." They sit in silence for a little while longer before Jeno clears his throat.
"I have to call Jaemin, you know they will ask." Renjun shakes his head.
"It's inevitable that they will find out so just tell him, they can come and see me after school if they want to." Jeno smiles softly.

When Jaemin's phone rings he jumps.
"Hi beautiful." He says smiling brightly.
"Hi, Jaem and good morning to you too. Your message was sweet." Jaemin chuckles.
"And I mean every word. Hurry and come here so I can kiss you." He says with a pout. Chenle and Jisung are gagging as they listen and soon Haechan and Mark come to join them.
"I'm not coming today, Renjun was attacked yesterday and beaten pretty badly." And it's only now that Jaemin can finally hear the stress and sadness in Jeno's voice.
"What? Who? Why?" He tries to speak but not many words are coming to him and the others are starting to get concerned.
"And you? Are you hurt?" Jeno quickly reassures him.
"I'm fine, I wasn't with him, his mom called me and I came last night." Jaemin sighs.
"There wasn't a clear motive." And there it is again, a lie he has to tell. He clenched his fist and Renjun pats his arm comfortingly.
"Is he ok? Like how bad?" Jaemin asks as he turns and sees the questions in the other's eyes.
"He has a few broken ribs and has to stay a few days. He has bruises all over and has pain of course but otherwise he's doing good." Jaemin let's out a huff, and explains to the others.
"Renjun was beaten up yesterday, attacked by some random guy for apparently no other reason than to hurt someone." He says with anger laced in his voice. The rest are stunned to silence.
"Can we talk to him?" Jeno smiles and puts his phone on speaker.
"Hi." Renjun says quietly.
"Hey, are you ok? Do you know who it was?" Jaemin asks.
"I'll be ok, and no I couldn't see his face." Renjun says as he makes eye contact with Jeno.
"Can we come and see you?" Haechan asks making Renjun smile knowingly at Jeno.
"Of course but, after school. I already feel bad that Jeno had to miss school for me. But I'm so happy he's here with me."
After ending the call they had to rush to class and the day seemed to drag on for everyone.

"Hey, where's Renjun? He's not answering his phone." Yangyang asks Haechan half way through the day.
"He's in the hospital, he was hurt." Haechan pauses, realizing that he was kind of abrupt in the way he told him and notices the fear in his eyes and tries to ease his nerves.
"He's doing ok, we talked to him this morning and we are going to see him after school. Do you want to come?" Yangyang looks a bit distraught.
"Uh yeah maybe. What happened though? How was he hurt?"
"Apparently yesterday he was walking home from somewhere and he was pulled into an alleyway and beaten." Yangyang gasps and covers his mouth. He can feel the bile rising to his throat so he runs to the bathroom. Haechan follows closely and waits outside the stall for him to finish throwing up his lunch.
"Are you ok?" Haechan asks, wetting a paper towel for him. He doesn't say anything just nods.
"Give me your phone?" Haechan asks as the other does as asked. He puts his number in and texts himself.
"I'll text you later when we are all ready, you are welcome to come with us." He only nods again as he stands wiping his mouth, his face was pale, his hands shaking. He hopes with his whole heart that Renjun can forgive him.

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